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Data tracking and accountability challenges
47 sec
Elias highlights the need for improved data tracking and accountability in assessing and resolving issues raised by the veteran community.
- There's a need for better data and accountability in addressing issues raised by veterans.
- Current tracking tools are insufficient for monitoring if issues or cases have been officially resolved.
- While progress has been made in tracking referrals, there's no feedback loop on issue resolution.
- DVS is addressing this by identifying a new vendor for their VetConnect system.
- The VAB plans to monitor these new implementations over the next year.
Mercedes Elias
A frequent issue we've worked with DVS over the past few years is the need for data and accountability when it comes to assessing issues raised from veterans within the community.
This helps the department showcase their efficacy while at the same time helps the VAV to validate issues raised during the public sessions.
While there's been significant progress made toward tracking data on veterans seeking assistance through DBS, we believe there is insufficient tracking tools to monitor if issues or cases have been officially resolved.
Currently, there is tracking for referrals to other agencies, but there is not a feedback loop on resolution for these issues.
DVS is currently addressing this by identifying a new vendor to help with via their VetConnect system.
This is something that we will continue to monitor over the next year as new implementations take effect.