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Explanation of VAB bylaws and legal structure



55 sec

Commissioner Hendon explains the legal structure and bylaws of the Veterans Advisory Board (VAB), clarifying the discrepancies between the bylaws and the actual board composition.

  • The VAB bylaws are an internal function of the board, not controlled by DVS.
  • The New York City Charter states the board should have 13 members, which is what DVS follows.
  • DVS aims to respect the autonomy of the board while adhering to legal requirements.
James Hendon
I I wanna start with the, the bylaws issue.
The bylaws, that's an internal function of the VAB as far as it goes back to one thing I mentioned in the, testimony as far as, you know, determine its own rules and procedures.
So that's not something that we, DVS, have a handle on.
That's the VAB.
Also, when we look at things that involve the a board, we look at law.
We look at chapter 75 of the New York City Charter, which states the composition of the board, and it states it as 13 as far as the law.
And we look at, say, the, administrative code, you know, section, 3105, which talks about, you know, how these meetings are to be presented as far as our role here.
So for us, we are constantly leaning on what is in law and not what these bylaws are.
And I can speak on that a little further, but a lot of this goes back to the autonomy of the board.
We wanna be as mindful as we can of the autonomy.
Also, we wanna recognize what we are to do and not do in law.
And that's a perfect example where it's 13 members, mister chair. pigeon logo

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