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Potential closure of VA medical facilities in NYC



89 sec

This chapter addresses the potential closure of VA medical facilities in New York City and the challenges it presents to the veteran community.

  • The VA's Asset Infrastructure Review Commission may recommend closing VA hospitals in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and a major VA clinic in Staten Island in spring 2026.
  • These closures are linked to the broader issues of veteran self-identification, lack of VA marketing, and declining veteran population.
  • Despite population decline projections, there will be enough veterans in 2045 to fill VA clinics and hospitals almost twice over, emphasizing the need to encourage self-identification.
James Hendon
This takes the synergy and effectiveness of the VAB and puts it on steroids.
Another reason why a VAB, CAB CVB merger is important, it is highly likely that in the spring of 2026, the next iteration of the VA's Asset Infrastructure Review Commission, the Air Commission, will recommend to the US Senate that the VA hospitals located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and a major VA clinic in Staten Island be closed.
This would echo recommendations made by the Air Commission in its 2022 report.
Those recommendations were ignored due to the political composition of the US Senate at the time.
The senate majority leader was a New Yorker.
That's no longer the case.
If and when the next air commission report says these VA medical facilities need to be shut down because not enough veterans are using them, then we need active and active CVAB to help counter that narrative and to advocate internally in our community's defense.
The potential hospital closure fight brings things full circle when I began by saying that the number one problem our community faces is that we collectively do not self identify.
The number 2 problem is the VA does not market its services, and the number 3 problem is that the veteran population is declining.
Even given future projections of New York's veteran community, assuming no increase in the military size and no wards, there are there will be more than enough veterans in 2045 to fill our VA clinics and hospitals almost two times over.
The challenge is taking steps to inspire our brothers and sisters to self identify.
Along with DVS and elected leaders such as yourselves, the CVV will be near the center of gravity for this fight. pigeon logo

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