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Recommendations for improving VAB effectiveness



100 sec

This chapter outlines several recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the Veterans Advisory Board (VAB) in New York City.

  • Implement a staggered term system for VAB members, with one-third of members transitioning on and off the board each year, aligned with the fiscal year.
  • Address the lack of timely appointments to vacant seats and reappointments for current members to ensure all seats are consistently filled.
  • Support the merger of the VAB with the VA's New York City Community Veterans Engagement Board (CVEB) to increase synergy and effectiveness.
James Hendon
In light of this, we would like to voice some recommendations that we believe would increase the effectiveness of the VAB further.
Right now, members of the VAB serve 3 year terms.
Start and end dates for the members have no rhyme and reason.
They are not uniform they are not uniformly staggered.
In a perfect world, each year, 1 third of the VAB's members would transition on and off the board while 1 third transitioned off.
So 1 third transition off, 1 third transitions on, or at the discretion of the mayor and city council speaker, existing members would be reappointed.
Given 13 members, this equates to 4 members rolling on and off during year 1, 4 members rolling on and off during year 2, and 5 members rolling on and off during year 3.
The start and end dates for members would match with the start and end dates for the fiscal year.
New York City's fiscal year begins on July 1st.
Streamlining this process would ease the administrative burden and further increase the efficacy of the VAB.
Another problem that the VAB faces is a lack of timely appointments to vacant seats and a lack of timely appointments when needed for members retained in current seats.
In my time as DVS commissioner and my time as a member of the Veterans Advisory Board for 2 years before that, dating back to 2018, I've never seen the board current on all of its appointments.
I've also never seen all of the seats on the board actively filled.
Even today as of this testimony, the family member slash caregiver seat appointed by the council speaker has not yet been filled.
It's been vacant for years.
Consistently filling vacant seats would allow the VAB to maximize the diversity of its viewpoints, leadership, and opinions.
Finally, we support current efforts that would have the New York City Veterans Advisory Board double as the VA's New York City Community Veterans Engagement Board. pigeon logo

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