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Council Member Linda Lee introduces legislation for emergency response planning for vulnerable residents
58 sec
Council Member Linda Lee introduces Intro 1174, a bill that would allow vulnerable and homebound New Yorkers to register with the Office of Emergency Management for inclusion in emergency response planning. The legislation aims to improve rescue and assistance efforts during emergencies by identifying the location of vulnerable residents.
- The bill proposes an opt-in system for vulnerable populations
- Similar measures in Europe have shown to prevent up to 50% of possible deaths during heat waves
- The legislation is designed to reduce response times and maximize life-saving efforts during emergencies
Linda Lee
Good afternoon, madam speaker, majority leader, and colleagues.
Today, I am proud to be introducing 1174.
This legislation would allow vulnerable and homebound New Yorkers to self identify and register themselves with the Office of Emergency Management.
This would incorporate them into the city's emergency response planning and help facilitate their rescue and assistance in the event of an emergency, like some of the ones that we've seen, recently.
Similar measures in Europe that counter that count factors like chronic disease, age, and socioeconomic status prevented close to 50% of possible deaths during recent heat waves.
Recent disasters have shown us how important it is to have precise and effective emergency services, Reducing response time and saving the maximum number of lives can't happen without knowing where our most vulnerable neighbors are and how best to help them.
And so, again, this would be an opt in, for our vulnerable populations.
Every second in every life counts for our city, so I hope that you can join me in this effort.
Thank you.