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Workforce data and competitiveness of city employment



85 sec

The City of New York demonstrates strong performance in recruitment and retention, with data showing competitive vacancy rates, high retention, and long tenure among employees. These metrics position the city as an employer of choice for New Yorkers.

  • City's retention rate of 90% is comparable to other large public sector employers
  • Overall agency vacancy rate is low at approximately 5.7%, down from 8.4% in November 2021
  • Average tenure for city employees is about 10 years, more than three times the private sector average
  • 75% of the municipal workforce has served for 5 years or more
Katrina Porter
When we look at the data, we see that the city of New York is competitive with private sector when it comes to filling vacancies with talented New Yorkers and our retention rate of 90% is similar to other large sec large public sector employers like, New York State which is also at 90% and the federal government at 94%.
Data indicates that citywide agency vacancies are low overall, at approximately 5.7%, which is down from a high of 8.4% in November of 2021.
We continue to see very high rates both, for both retention and tenure.
Compared to the 3 year average time that an employer stays in the private sector, DCAS data shows that city employees serve more than 3 times as long or about 10 years.
In fact, 3 quarters of the municipal workforce has served for 5 years or more.
Thanks to the myriad of programs and policies in place to support city employees, the city of New York is one of the top employees of choice for, for New Yorkers.
While the data demonstrates progress towards recruitment and retention, we know that there's always more work to do and DCAS both both appreciates and shares the council's interest in further improving retention efforts. pigeon logo

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