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Introduction and overview of the CityFHEPS program
74 sec
Commissioner Molly Wasow Park introduces CityFHEPS (City Fighting Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement) as a vital tool in promoting housing stability for New Yorkers. She explains its role in helping homeless individuals move from shelters to stable housing.
- CityFHEPS is described as the largest municipally funded rental subsidy in the nation
- The program is part of a larger DSS-HRA-DHS strategy to create a path towards sustainability for low-income New Yorkers
- The process includes case management, employment assistance, and dedicated staff to find apartment leads and process subsidy packages efficiently
Molly Wasow Park
The city fighting homelessness and eviction prevention supplement rental subsidy, better known as CityFEPs, is a component of the larger d DSSHRA DHS strategy of providing an integrated continuum of client services to create a path towards sustainability for low income New Yorkers.
CityFEPs is the largest municipally funded rental subsidy in the nation and a vital tool in the agency's pursuit to promote housing stability for all New Yorkers.
Rental assistance programs like CityFEPs are an essential resource in assisting New Yorkers experiencing homelessness move out of shelter and into stable housing.
Developing independent living plans or ILPs and and a strategy to support that plan starts upon a client's entry into shelter.
From the issuance of the city theft shopping letter to the point of move out from shelter, our dedicated DHS and provider staff are laser focused on connecting clients to permanent housing.
That process includes case management, connecting clients with the tools to obtain employment, the work of shelter housing specialists, the DHS apartment search team, and the public engagement unit, also their housing search team to find apartment leads, and shelter housing specialists and DHS staff who collectively make sure subsidy packages are accurate and processed efficiently.