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Referral distribution of CityFHEPS users: Shelter vs. community
29 sec
Commissioner Park provides information on the distribution of CityFHEPS voucher users between those referred from shelters and those from the community.
- Approximately two-thirds of new CityFHEPS voucher users each year come from shelters.
- One-third of new users are from the community.
- These proportions have remained relatively consistent over time, with some minor variations from year to year.
- There are no specific vouchers set aside for community referrals; the distribution occurs naturally through the application process.
Diana Ayala
What is the referral distribution of CityFabs, of CityFabs users?
How many users are referred through the community versus government agencies?
Molly Wasow Park
So of the lease ups each year, so people who start using a city FEPs voucher, about 2 thirds of them are people who are in shelter and a third of them are in community users.
You know, it varies on the margins from year to year, but those have been relatively consistent numbers.