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Introduction and overview of Older Adult Centers in NYCHA facilities



92 sec

Ryan Murray, Executive Deputy Commissioner of NYC Aging, provides an overview of Older Adult Centers (OACs) located in New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) facilities. He emphasizes the critical role these centers play in serving older New Yorkers and outlines the scope of their operations.

  • There are 106 OACs located in NYCHA-owned buildings across the five boroughs of New York City
  • OACs serve nearly one-third of all older adults served by NYC Aging, providing over 6 million meals annually
  • Approximately 12,686 NYCHA residents receive services from these OACs
Ryan Murray
Good afternoon, Chair Hudson, Chair Banks, members of the city council, staff, and those who are here or at home.
I am Ryan Murray, the executive deputy commissioner for the New York City Department For the Aging, NYC Aging.
I appreciate the opportunity to testify before you today about older adult centers in the New York City Housing Authority facilities.
Throughout the NYC Aging, portfolio of programs, there are about a 106 older adult centers located in NYCHA owned buildings across the 5 boroughs.
These represent a range of OAC types, including some of the largest and smallest centers.
As we have discussed in past hearings, OACs are a critical component of the many social services and programs offered to older New Yorkers as part of our community care plan.
In addition to the important work of providing over 6,000,000 meals at OACs, which council has been a partner with us for over the years, older adults also need to be connected to critical programs which address these needs.
These include workforce programs, health and mental health services, elder justice, elder abuse, elder survivor older adult survivor services.
What is clear to us is that these centers serve nearly 1 third of all older adults served by NYC aging at OACs.
Because of that fact, we are constantly working to ensure that the services in these centers are well run and meet the needs of older adult communities who live in NYCHA facilities. pigeon logo

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