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Possibility of NYC Aging investing in NYCHA properties for OAC improvements



161 sec

Council Member Hudson explores the possibility of NYC Aging investing in NYCHA properties for OAC improvements, particularly if it could expedite the process. NYC Aging and NYCHA representatives discuss the potential for collaboration and challenges involved.

  • NYC Aging expresses openness to exploring funding mechanisms to improve centers
  • Challenges include coordination with NYCHA and addressing broader infrastructural issues
  • Both agencies emphasize the desire to maximize investment and execute projects quickly
  • Complexity arises from OACs being part of larger residential buildings, requiring careful coordination
Crystal Hudson
I guess, is there a possibility or, to to revisit, perhaps, the agreement in the physical spaces of of the OACs?
Because it seems like if if NYC aging was able to get the funding to make some of these capital, improvements and much needed upgrades, it might be a faster process than having to wait on the money from NYCHA and going through the typical NYCHA process.
So I'm just wondering, you know, if that's something that you all would be open to, number 1.
And then number 2, if then o a c, NYC aging had the funding, would it then be willing to invest in some of these NYCHA properties if, you know, the agreements perhaps were changed or adjusted?
Ryan Murray
Bottom line for us is we want quality centers that are great to go to.
How we get there, if there is the money available, happy to figure out the best way to get it to the ground and have things be addressed.
The challenge we always will think about together is it is a NYCHA facility, and, therefore, something that might seem faster for us to do, we still might need to do a significant amount of coordination, with NYCHA, and there might be many I'm looking at the team here.
Many other things that need to be addressed.
So if it's a funding mechanics and, there are pathways for that to actually make all the centers amazing, I'm happy to have that conversation.
That's the short answer.
How that actually plays out in terms of, you know, executing, I think that's been the the place where we spend time, talking a lot.
Crystal Hudson
Fair enough.
Dylan Baker-Rice
Maybe just to add to that.
I mean, that's the strength of the partnership.
For us, it's really how can we maximize investment, and how can we do or execute projects as quickly as possible?
So, we're certainly open to other avenues, but as much as possible, we do try to expedite.
And for the reasons we shared before, you know, we have to work with the centers.
And so if there's additional funding, we would love to work in partnership.
But as shared, you know, many of these are in existing residential buildings, so there are infrastructural issues that connect to the broader buildings, which make them necessarily complex from a coordination perspective. pigeon logo

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