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Collaboration with other organizations to combat trafficking



70 sec

ACS collaborates with various organizations and implements programs to enhance support for trafficked youth. These efforts include partnerships with service providers and innovative initiatives like the credible messenger program.

  • Describes the ACS credible messenger program involving former trafficked foster care youth
  • Mentions partnerships with organizations like Children's Village and Powerhouse for on-site support at the ACS Children's Center
  • Highlights the importance of healthy relationships in preventing trafficking
  • Discusses the Fair Future Coaches program for youth in foster care and juvenile justice systems
Ina Mendez
ACS has also created an ACS credible messenger program where adult former traffic foster care youth share their experiences with child welfare involved youth to develop trafficking recruitment and resource awareness.
Further, ACS contracts with the chill the Children's Village and Powerhouse to provide on-site social workers at the ACS Children's Center to screen and assess you assess youth for trafficking indicators, assist staff in identifying exploited youth, and provide recommendations and referrals when needed.
They also conduct workshops for the youth at the Children's Center on both track trafficking awareness and developing healthy relationships relationships.
Excuse me.
We believe children who have been trafficked or who are at risk of trafficking need a suite of comprehensive services to not only help them begin healing from the mental and physical trauma of this experience, but also set on a path towards a happy, healthy adulthood.
In addition, healthy relationships are a key to preventing and stopping trafficking, which is one of the many reasons we have invested in Fair Future Coaches for thousands of youth in foster care and juvenile justice systems. pigeon logo

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