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Testimony by Sebastien Vante, Associate Vice President of Streetwork Project at Safe Horizon



3 min

Sebastien Vante from Safe Horizon's Streetwork Project testified about their efforts to support homeless youth at risk of trafficking and exploitation. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between various programs within Safe Horizon to provide comprehensive support to vulnerable youth.

  • Streetwork Project meets homeless youth where they are and provides immediate support and a path to stability.
  • Safe Horizon's Anti-Trafficking Program provides specialized training to staff to recognize signs of trafficking and address the needs of survivors.
  • The Immigration Law Project offers legal assistance to youth facing immigration challenges, helping them secure protections and rebuild their lives.
Sebastien Vante
Good afternoon.
My name is Sebastian Vante, and I am the associate vice president of street work programs at Safe Horizon.
Safe Horizon's mission is to stand with those who have experienced violence, abuse, and exploitation.
We offer unwavering support and advocate for systems change.
Safe Horizon envisions a world where safety is a universal human right, and we all share a collective responsibility to protect and uphold it.
We strive for a society where people are safe in their communities, homes, bodies, and minds.
I'm honored to share with you the critical work we do to support homeless youth and young adults, a population that faces extraordinary challenges, including the very real risk of trafficking and exploitation.
At Streetwork, our mission is to meet homeless youth where they are, on the streets, in parks, or other public spaces, and provide immediate support and a path to stability.
Traffickers prey on the vulnerability of these young people, targeting their lack of resources, safety, and support.
This is why the collaboration between our street work project and Safe Horizon's anti trafficking program is so vital.
ATP provides our staff both in our drop in centers and our outreach teams with with specialized training to recognize the signs of trafficking and take appropriate steps to address their immediate and long term needs.
Whether during an intake conversation or while engaging youth in the field, our teams are equipped to identify red flags, ask the right questions, and connect these young people to critical resources that can help them escape exploitation and and begin their healing journey.
But the work doesn't stop there.
Many of the youth we serve are also navigating complex immigration challenges.
For these young people, our immigration law project plays an essential role by offering legal assistance to those who may qualify for asylum, special immigrant juvenile status, or other protections.
We provide a lifeline for young people who are not only fleeing trafficking, but also seeking safety and stability in a new country.
The legal protections and support we offer are often the key to helping them rebuild their lives free from fear and harm.
To truly address the issue of trafficking, it is essential that street work and other runaway and homeless youth providers have the resources and support they need to identify survivors and offer immediate assistance.
This requires strong partnerships with the mayor's administration and city council to ensure there is adequate funding, staffing, and training for programs like ours.
With sufficient resources, we can make sure that every young person who is vulnerable to trafficking receives not just shelter, but also access to specialized programs that meet their unique needs.
This work is deeply impactful because it saves lives.
Each connection we make, whether through outreach, anti trafficking support, legal assistance, or specialized care, is a step toward ensuring that these young people have the safety, dignity, and freedom they deserve.
Human trafficking thrives in the shadows, but our work is about shining a light and empowering those most at risk.
I am proud of the collaboration between our programs, the role we play in addressing these challenges, and the opportunity to advocate for the resources and support that make this work possible.
I am also grateful for our partnership with the city council and for your ongoing support for our work.
Thank you for this opportunity to share this critical work with you today. pigeon logo

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