Multi-platform communication approach for emergencies
34 sec
The testimony outlines New York City's comprehensive approach to emergency communication, utilizing multiple platforms to ensure widespread dissemination of crucial information during flash flood events.
- Mentions the use of social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram for information relay
- Describes the Advanced Warning System for people with disabilities and other access and functional needs
- Highlights partnerships with private and nonprofit sectors, as well as elected officials, to amplify emergency messages
Heather Roiter
Our approach to communication also leverages a multitude of other platforms as well, activated by emergency management as well as our partners, to relay crucial information promptly and efficiently.
These platforms range from social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram, additional systems like our advanced warning system, which disseminates information to people with disabilities and other access and functional needs, and to partners in the private and nonprofit sector and all elected throughout the city.
This ensures a comprehensive and effective public response to address immediate life safety needs.