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New York City Council
Committee on Oversight and Investigations
Jan 29, 2025
10:00 AM
2 hr 33 min
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A hearing on the Department of Investigation's Office of Inspector General for NYPD, examining its work, relationship with NYPD, and recent reports.
Discussions focused on:
- Staffing challenges
- Access to NYPD records
- Investigative capacity
- Proposed legislation to strengthen the office
The hearing also covered Resolution 560, which would direct DOI to investigate past mayoral administrations' knowledge of 9/11 environmental hazards.
Features testimony from the Department of Investigation (DOI), advocacy groups, 9/11 survivors, and the public.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Council Member Brewer opens the hearing and introduces the topic
Council Member Gale A. Brewer opens the hearing on the Department of Investigation's Office of Inspector General for NYPD. She introduces herself as the chair of the Committee on Oversight …
56 sec
Council Member Brewer outlines the threefold purpose of the hearing
Council Member Brewer explains that the hearing has three main objectives: to assess the work of the OIG-NYPD under current leadership, examine the relationship between NYPD and the Inspector General, …
38 sec
Council Member Brewer highlights changes since the last hearing on OIG-NYPD
Council Member Brewer outlines significant changes that have occurred since the last hearing on OIG-NYPD in April 2022. She emphasizes the importance of having a credible, comprehensive picture of NYPD's …
67 sec
Council Member Brewer addresses the historical relationship between NYPD and OIG-NYPD
Council Member Brewer discusses the historically poor working relationship between the NYPD and the OIG-NYPD. She expresses hope for improvement and looks forward to an honest conversation about the current …
84 sec
Council Member Brewer discusses recent reports and recommendations from OIG-NYPD
Council Member Brewer focuses on the public reports issued by the Inspector General and the non-binding recommendations made to the NYPD. She expresses interest in discussing essential recommendations that have …
92 sec
Council Member Brewer introduces legislation: Intro 1020-2024
Council Member Brewer introduces Intro 1020-2024, a bill she is sponsoring to improve the appointment process and reporting requirements for the NYPD Inspector General. - The bill would require the …
60 sec
Council Member Brewer introduces Resolution 560 on 9/11 environmental toxins
Council Member Brewer introduces Resolution 560, which would direct the Department of Investigation to conduct an investigation into the knowledge possessed by mayoral administrations regarding environmental toxins produced by the …
111 sec
Council Member Brewer acknowledges staff contributions to the hearing
Council Member Brewer concludes her opening remarks by acknowledging and thanking the council staff who contributed to the preparation of the hearing. - She recognizes committee staff, including attorneys and …
30 sec
Introduction and purpose of testimony
Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber introduces herself and outlines the purpose of her testimony, which is to provide an update on the work of the Office of the Inspector General for the …
57 sec
OIG-NYPD's mission and contribution to effective policing
Commissioner Strauber outlines the core mission and work of the Office of the Inspector General for the NYPD, emphasizing its role in ensuring effective policing and strengthening community relations. - …
23 sec
Staffing challenges and productivity of OIG-NYPD
Commissioner Strauber addresses the significant staffing challenges facing OIG-NYPD and highlights the office's continued productivity despite these obstacles. - OIG-NYPD has experienced a 44% decrease in staffing, from 16 members …
35 sec
Efforts to amplify OIG-NYPD's current staffing and productivity
Commissioner Strauber outlines the steps taken to maintain OIG-NYPD's productivity and effectiveness despite reduced staffing. - Senior executive and supervisory DOI staff are assisting with OIG-NYPD's substantive work - The …
56 sec
OIG-NYPD's mandate and focus on systemic investigations
Commissioner Strauber explains the core mandate of OIG-NYPD and its focus on systemic investigations of NYPD policies and practices. - OIG-NYPD was created in 2024 under Local Law 70 to …
128 sec
Improvements in access to NYPD records, facilities, and staff
Commissioner Strauber details the significant improvements in OIG-NYPD's access to NYPD records, data, facilities, and staff over the past two years. - Communication between OIG-NYPD and NYPD has markedly improved …
122 sec
Steps taken to bolster OIG-NYPD's capacity
Commissioner Strauber outlines the measures taken to support OIG-NYPD's work and maintain its capacity despite significant staff attrition. - Senior DOI staff have been assigned to support OIG-NYPD's work in …
94 sec
Overview of recent and upcoming OIG-NYPD reports
Commissioner Strauber provides an overview of recent reports issued by OIG-NYPD and highlights upcoming investigations and follow-up reports. - OIG-NYPD issued 4 reports in 2023, 4 in 2024, and the …
3 min
Relationships with other oversight agencies and community outreach
Commissioner Strauber describes OIG-NYPD's collaborations with other oversight agencies and its efforts to engage with the community. - OIG-NYPD has established working relationships with other police oversight agencies, including the …
127 sec
New protest settlement monitoring unit
Commissioner Strauber introduces a new DOI project related to monitoring NYPD's policing of protests following the settlement agreement in the wake of the George Floyd protests. - DOI has a …
85 sec
Discussion of proposed legislation (Intro 1020-2024)
Commissioner Strauber provides DOI's perspective on the proposed local law Intro 1020-2024, which includes mandates relating to OIG-NYPD. - The law would require filling a vacancy in the OIG-NYPD Inspector …
3 min
Discussion of proposed resolution (Resolution 560)
Commissioner Strauber addresses Resolution 560, which calls for DOI to investigate what past mayoral administrations knew about environmental toxins produced by the September 11th terrorist attacks. - The resolution aims …
120 sec
Council Member Brewer's opening remarks on proposed legislation
Council Member Gale A. Brewer introduces the hearing topics, focusing on Resolution 560 and Intro 1020. She emphasizes the importance of transparency in government, particularly regarding 9/11-related information. - Brewer …
70 sec
Breakdown of current staffing in the NYPD Inspector General's office
Council Member Brewer inquires about the specific breakdown of staff roles within the NYPD Inspector General's office. Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber provides a detailed account of the current staffing situation. - …
69 sec
Desired staffing levels for the NYPD Inspector General's office
Commissioner Strauber discusses the ideal staffing levels for the NYPD Inspector General's office, taking into account budget constraints and realistic expectations. - Initially, in 2022, the desired staffing level was …
41 sec
Attrition rates and average tenure in the NYPD Inspector General's office
Commissioner Strauber provides information on the attrition rates and average tenure of staff in the NYPD Inspector General's office, highlighting recent challenges. - The attrition rate in the previous year …
50 sec
Organizational chart availability for the NYPD Inspector General's office
Council Member Brewer inquires about the availability of an organizational chart for the NYPD Inspector General's office, referencing a chart from the 2015 annual report. - Commissioner Strauber confirms the …
62 sec
Metrics for measuring effectiveness and goals for the NYPD Inspector General's office
Commissioner Strauber discusses the metrics used to measure the effectiveness of the NYPD Inspector General's office and outlines goals for improving their work. - The office issues more reports annually …
130 sec
Potential investigation into handling of migrants and ICE-related issues
Council Member Brewer suggests a potential investigation into the handling of migrants and ICE-related issues, highlighting its timeliness and importance. Commissioner Strauber responds to the possibility of such an investigation. …
101 sec
Discussion of report on Community Response Teams (CRT) and potential follow-up investigation
Council Member Brewer inquires about the report on Community Response Teams (CRT) and potential follow-up investigations. Commissioner Strauber provides details on the initial report and plans for future investigations. - …
88 sec
Measures for ensuring quality and consistency in OIG reports
Council Member Williams inquires about measures to ensure consistent production of quality reports by the OIG's office. Commissioner Strauber explains the statutory protections for the DOI commissioner role and the …
3 min
Process and criteria for selecting cases and systemic issues to investigate
Council Member Williams asks about the internal process for determining which cases to investigate. Commissioner Strauber explains that the selection process is organic and flexible, based on various factors and …
150 sec
Discussion of recent report on NYPD's use of social media
Council Member Williams inquires about the recent report on NYPD's use of social media, focusing on staffing, findings, and potential referrals to other agencies. Commissioner Strauber provides details on the …
145 sec
Inclusion of council members' social media posts in the NYPD report
Council Member Williams questions the inclusion of council members' social media posts in the report on NYPD's use of social media. Commissioner Strauber explains the rationale behind this decision. - …
112 sec
Council member's concerns about political activity on government social media accounts
Council Member Williams expresses her concerns about the use of official government social media accounts for potentially political exchanges with council members. She discusses the gray areas in determining political …
3 min
NYPD's agreement rate with DOI recommendations compared to other agencies
Council Member Yusef Salaam inquires about the rate at which the NYPD agrees with DOI recommendations and how it compares to other agencies. Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber provides detailed statistics on …
149 sec
Implementation rate of DOI recommendations by NYPD
Council Member Salaam inquires about the specific implementation rate of DOI recommendations by the NYPD. Commissioner Strauber provides a breakdown of the implementation statistics. - The full implementation rate for …
23 sec
Reasons for NYPD's lower agreement rate with DOI recommendations
Commissioner Strauber explains various reasons why the NYPD might agree to implement fewer DOI recommendations compared to other agencies. She provides context and examples of common responses for recommendations that …
154 sec
Potential for City Council to enact laws enforcing DOI recommendations
Council Member Salaam inquires about DOI's stance on City Council potentially enacting local laws to enforce recommendations rejected by the NYPD. Commissioner Strauber provides a nuanced response, emphasizing the need …
66 sec
Discussion on gang database reporting and accessibility of information
Council Member Brewer inquires about the reporting of accepted and rejected recommendations regarding the gang database. Commissioner Strauber explains that this information can be found in their annual report. - …
32 sec
Potential investigation into selective enforcement of quality of life violations
Council Member Brewer inquires about the possibility of reviewing the police department's enforcement of quality of life violations to examine potential selective enforcement. Commissioner Strauber confirms that such investigations are …
67 sec
Review of police department's handling of mentally disturbed persons
Council Member Brewer raises concerns about the police department's handling of mentally disturbed persons and inquires if the Inspector General's office could investigate this issue. Commissioner Strauber acknowledges the importance …
106 sec
Changes in policies regarding vehicle pursuits
Council Member Brewer inquires about any review or analysis of recent changes in vehicle pursuit policies by the Inspector General's office. Commissioner Strauber indicates that they have not specifically looked …
51 sec
Officers' completion of stop reports and other forms
Council Member Brewer raises concerns about officers' compliance in completing various reports, including stop reports and body-worn camera usage. Commissioner Strauber acknowledges that while these issues are not currently being …
76 sec
Monitoring of sanctuary city laws and detainer request laws
Council Member Brewer inquires about the office's efforts to monitor sanctuary city laws and detainer request laws. Commissioner Strauber indicates that they are in the process of familiarizing themselves with …
39 sec
Improvements in data access and management
Council Member Brewer follows up on the previously mentioned improvements in data access. Commissioner Strauber confirms that the new system has been working well, including the assignment of a dedicated …
24 sec
Reasons for recent staff attrition in the department
Council Member Brewer inquires about the reasons behind the substantial recent attrition in the department. Commissioner Strauber explains that it's difficult to provide specific reasons for each individual's departure. - …
42 sec
Mechanisms for tracking trends in complaints
Council Member Brewer inquires about the formal mechanisms in place to track trends in complaints. Commissioner Strauber explains their current and upcoming systems for managing and analyzing complaint data. - …
78 sec
Discipline related to violations of social media policies
Council Member Brewer inquires if the Department of Investigation is aware of any discipline imposed on employees identified as having violated police social media policies. Commissioner Strauber indicates no awareness …
14 sec
Public outreach efforts and field investigations
Council Member Brewer inquires about the department's public outreach efforts and field investigations. Commissioner Strauber discusses their current outreach activities and limitations on field investigations due to staffing constraints. - …
70 sec
Concerns and potential amendments to Intro 1020-2024
Council Member Brewer inquires about potential amendments to Intro 1020-2024 to address the department's concerns. Commissioner Strauber reiterates the main suggestions for modifying the reporting requirements. - Suggestion to report …
46 sec
Discussion on Resolution 560 regarding investigation of past administrations' knowledge of 9/11 environmental toxins
Council Member Brewer discusses the importance of Resolution 560 and inquires about the feasibility of investigating past administrations' knowledge of 9/11 environmental toxins. Commissioner Strauber explains the challenges and requirements …
174 sec
Discussion on NYPD overtime report recommendations and implementation
Council Member Williams inquires about the status of NYPD's implementation of recommendations from a 2023 report on overtime and increased risk of negative policing. Commissioner Strauber explains that the most …
62 sec
Process of tracking and updating NYPD recommendation statuses
Council Member Williams and Commissioner Strauber discuss the process of tracking and updating the status of recommendations made to the NYPD. The Commissioner explains how changes in recommendation statuses are …
57 sec
Concerns about NYPD's rejection of specific overtime report recommendations
Council Member Williams expresses concern about NYPD's rejection of 4 out of 6 recommendations from the overtime report, including developing a system to track off-duty employment and hiring a consulting …
71 sec
Discussion on the proposed 90-day window for IG replacement in Intro 1020-2024
Council Member Williams and Commissioner Strauber discuss the proposed 90-day window for replacing the Inspector General, as mentioned in Intro 1020-2024. They address the importance of continuity and accountability in …
48 sec
Potential for new legislation to strengthen the work of the Inspector General's office
Council Member Williams inquires about potential new legislation to strengthen the work of the Inspector General's office. Commissioner Strauber doesn't have immediate recommendations but welcomes the opportunity to provide future …
107 sec
Testimony by Andrew Carboy, Attorney for 911 Health Watch
Andrew Carboy, an attorney representing 911 Health Watch, testified about their efforts to obtain information regarding the city's knowledge of toxic substances released during the 9/11 attacks. He emphasized the …
4 min
Testimony by Matthew McCauley, Attorney at 911 Health Watch, on 9/11 Document Transparency
Matthew McCauley, an attorney for 911 Health Watch and a 9/11 first responder, testified about the need for transparency regarding documents related to the environmental hazards following 9/11. He emphasized …
3 min
Testimony by Thomas Hart, President of Operating Engineers Local 94, on Resolution 560
Thomas Hart, President of Operating Engineers Local 94, testified in support of Resolution 560, which would require the City Department of Investigations to review documents about environmental hazards following the …
3 min
Testimony by James Brosi, President of New York City Fire Officers Association
James Brosi, representing the New York City Fire Officers Association, testified in support of the investigation into the 9/11 environmental hazards and the release of related records. He shared personal …
3 min
Testimony by Andrew Ansbro, President of the Uniformed Firefighter Association of Greater New York, on 9/11 Health Impacts and Government Transparency
Andrew Ansbro, President of the Uniformed Firefighter Association of Greater New York, testifies about the health impacts of 9/11 on firefighters and the need for transparency regarding what officials knew …
161 sec
Testimony by Nicholas Papain, Partner at Sullivan Papain Block McManus Coffinas & Cannavo P.C. on 9/11 Document Availability
Nicholas Papain, representing the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York, testifies about the availability of 9/11-related documents. He expresses strong disagreement with claims that these documents cannot be found, citing …
156 sec
Discussion on potential lawsuits related to 9/11 health issues
Council Member Brewer initiates a discussion about the potential for lawsuits related to 9/11 health issues. Various speakers, including attorneys and representatives from 9/11 Health Watch, provide information on the …
155 sec
Testimony by Ivey Dyson, Counsel at Brennan Center For Justice on NYPD Inspector General Oversight
Ivey Dyson from the Brennan Center For Justice testified in support of Intro 1020, which aims to address challenges faced by the NYPD Inspector General's office. She emphasized the importance …
3 min
Testimony by David Siffert, Legal Director of Surveillance Technology Oversight Project
David Siffert, Legal Director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, testifies on the importance of the NYPD Inspector General's office, praising their work despite budget constraints and highlighting the need …
148 sec
Testimony by Ben Weinberg, Director of Public Policy at Citizens Union
Ben Weinberg, representing Citizens Union, testifies in support of Intro 1020 and discusses the importance of strengthening NYPD oversight and accountability. He emphasizes the critical role of the OIG-NYPD in …
3 min
Testimony by Mariama James, 9/11 Survivor and Advocate
Mariama James, a 9/11 survivor and mother of survivors, shared her personal experiences with the aftermath of the attacks and advocated for transparency regarding the city's knowledge of environmental hazards. …
4 min
Discussion on potential changes to Intro 1020-2024
Council Member Gale A. Brewer engages in a Q&A session with Ivey Dyson from the Brennan Center for Justice and David Siffert from the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project regarding potential …
123 sec
Testimony by Kevin Scullen, 9/11 Survivor
Kevin Scullen, a 9/11 survivor, provides personal testimony about his experiences on September 11, 2001, and the long-term health impacts he has suffered as a result. He describes witnessing the …
136 sec
Testimony by Julienne Jack on 9/11 Health Impacts and Transparency
Julienne Jack, daughter of the first African American Manhattan Borough President, testifies about the health impacts of 9/11 on her family and the need for transparency regarding toxic exposure. She …
149 sec
Testimony by Timothy Pena, Founder of Veterans Justice Project
Timothy Pena, founder of Veterans Justice Project, shared insights from his experience working with homeless veterans and participating in the recent point-in-time homeless count. He highlighted concerns about the safety …
123 sec
Testimony by Joel Kupferman, Executive Director and Attorney of New York Environmental Law and Justice Project, on 9/11 Environmental Hazards and City Transparency
Joel Kupferman, representing the New York Environmental Law and Justice Project, testified about the city's history of providing inaccurate information regarding 9/11 environmental hazards and the ongoing impact on vulnerable …
3 min
Testimony by Christopher Leon Johnson, Member of the Public, on Intro 1020-2024
Christopher Leon Johnson expresses opposition to Intro 1020-2024, arguing that the Department of Investigation (DOI) should not appoint the leader of the NYPD Inspector General's office due to perceived incompetence …
124 sec
Testimony by Barbara Meno on Personal Issues with Government Agencies
Barbara Meno testified about personal grievances involving her disabled children, government agencies, and alleged civil rights violations. She expressed frustration with various New York state and city agencies, claiming they …
152 sec
Testimony by Charlotte Dennett, Member of the Board of Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
Charlotte Dennett, a lawyer, investigative journalist, and board member of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, provided testimony on the importance of additional investigation into 9/11-related issues. She shared her …
131 sec
Testimony by Kimberly Flynn, Founding Member of 9/11 Environmental Action, on Post-9/11 Environmental Health Concerns
Kimberly Flynn, a founding member of 9/11 Environmental Action, testified about the failure of city officials to protect and inform the public about environmental hazards after 9/11. She criticized the …
122 sec
Testimony by Marianne Pizzitola, President of New York City Organization of Public Service Retirees, on 9/11 Health Impacts and Document Release
Marianne Pizzitola, representing 250,000 municipal retirees, testified about the health impacts on 9/11 survivors and first responders, criticizing the EPA's false claims about air safety and calling for the release …
123 sec
Testimony by Thomas Maguire, Volunteer World Trade Center Rescue Worker
Thomas Maguire, a volunteer World Trade Center rescue worker, shared his personal experiences with 9/11-related health issues and the challenges in receiving compensation. He emphasized the importance of scientific data …
121 sec
Testimony by Chris Magnotta, 9/11 Survivor, on Releasing Information about 9/11 Environmental Hazards
Chris Magnotta, a 9/11 survivor, testifies about the importance of releasing information to the public regarding the environmental hazards following the 9/11 attacks. He shares his personal experience of being …
137 sec