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Initiatives to reduce due process complaints



159 sec

Christina Foti outlines several initiatives implemented by the DOE to reduce due process complaints and improve service delivery for students with disabilities, particularly those in non-public schools.

  • Doubled the standard hourly rate for special education teacher support services (SETS) teachers
  • Hired nearly two dozen itinerant special education teachers to deliver SETS directly in non-public schools
  • Expanded after-school and weekend programs to ensure service delivery
  • These efforts led to 10,000 fewer due process complaints as of December 2024, a 50% reduction from the previous year
  • Foti emphasizes the commitment to meeting diverse learner needs across the city while reducing litigation
Christina Foti
It's critical to our mission of creating equitable, inclusive, and competitive schools.
This administration has demonstrated that with the right resources, we can reduce due process complaints.
After observing an astronomical increase in a request for enhanced rate special education teacher support services known as SETS, it became necessary to proactively arrange the service for students in non public schools while implementing fraud controls and enforcing long standing deadlines.
In response last July, New York City public schools took a bold step by more than doubling the standard hourly rate for our sets teachers, an initiative designed to expand access to specialized instruction for families choosing non public schools.
Additionally, we have hired nearly 2 dozen itinerant special education teachers to deliver sets directly in these schools.
The committees on special education have conducted extensive outreach to assign both New York City public schools and independent special education teachers to support our students with IESPs.
These targeted efforts have ensured that every student in need of services is actively engaged, whether through an independent SEDS teacher, a New York City public school teacher, or our expanded after school and weekend programs.
These mile stones mark a significant advancement in providing equitable, high quality support while reaffirming our commitment to meeting the needs of our diverse needs the diverse needs of our learners across the city.
Proactive measures to arrange services for students with IESPs have led to 10,000 fewer due process complaints as of December 2024, a 50% reduction in due process complaints from last year thus far.
Access to high quality supports and services in preschool is also critical.
Laying the foundation for academic success and shaping future outcomes.
While this administration, as well as the one prior, has made much needed investments to support our 3 4 year olds, we have work to do to achieve the systemic reforms required.
Today, preschool expansion requires securing funding and layers of approval to open preschool special education classes.
This process makes it difficult for us to nimbly respond to immediate needs or ensure students have the access to supportive programs near their homes.
This is counter to our school age program where superintendents can address capacity issues more flexibly.
We are encouraged that the New York State Education Department is gathering information in to inform a tuition redesign.
And we are committed to working with NYSED to develop initiatives that will empower New York City public schools to implement a more inclusive preschool special education system. pigeon logo

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