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State funding for special education and foundation aid



58 sec

Council Member Rita Joseph inquires about the adequacy of state funding for special education and the potential impact of changes to foundation aid. DOE officials discuss current funding challenges and the shift in funding sources over time.

  • Discussion of the importance of foundation aid for special education funding
  • Mention of ongoing budget negotiations and their potential impact
  • Exploration of the potential financial impact if foundation aid included weights for students with disabilities
  • Highlight of the shift in funding sources: in 2002, state and city contributed equally, but now 57% comes from NYC and only 36% from the state
  • Call for state colleagues to increase their support for special education funding
Rita Joseph
And school students can stay in communities.
Do you believe the state provided enough funding for special education?
Christina Foti
Well, you heard our our chancellor testify yesterday about foundation aid.
This is certainly a concern of ours, and we are dependent on that funding.
We, will certainly are waiting with bated breath to see where, the next couple of months take us as far as budgeting's concerned.
Rita Joseph
If foundation aid, included weights for students with disability, does New York City Public School have an estimate of how much of the financial impact could have?
John Hammer
We don't have a we we don't have that specific data point.
It should be noted as the chance to testify yesterday that in 2,002, the state New York City contributed equally to our schools, but today, 57% of our funding comes from New York City.
Althea Stevens
John Hammer
Only 30 6% comes from the state.
And so any changes here that, will support students with disabilities? pigeon logo

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