Melissa Katz
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Thank you for this opportunity.
My name is Melissa Katz, and I lead the Collaborative for Inclusive Education within the New York City Charter School Center.
Since 2019, enrollment of students with disabilities in New York City Charter Schools has steadily grown to the point that charter school students with disabilities now number nearly 30,000.
During this time, our programming has also grown, expanding and evolving to meet the maturing needs of the sector, including a great demand for support around specially designed instruction for students with IEPs within integrated co teaching settings.
Every year, the collaborative team spends 100 of hours with schools, both through centralized trainings and individual touch points, and we've been gratified to see continued commitment on the part of schools to engage in these exclusive program offerings.
So while charter schools are autonomous in many respects, the DOE is the local education agency, LEA, for special education in charters, which means all decisions about the provision of special education services for charter students are made by the DOE's committees on special education.
Now since COVID, the related services crisis has disproportionately affected charter school students.
The current system by which the DOE contracts with related services agencies to place providers in schools with vouchers issued directly to families with the DOE can't find a provider is burdensome and ineffectual.
The providers that work for agencies are often compensated at a lower rate than the providers working within district schools.
And the list of RSA accepting providers that the district provides to families are often not up to date and providers prove, providers prove difficult to contact.
This disparity in related service provision between students under the same LEA is unjust.
We have partnered consistently with the DOE to ensure that our communities are receiving the support they need, and we would also like to partner on accountability to ensure that all students under the same LEA are guaranteed FAPE regardless of whether they're in a district or charter school.
We respectfully request that the same data that is available on district school special education services be made available to the city council, to families, and community on the provision of special education services for charter school students.
We also advocate for the immediate institution of related service providers, particularly pair professional support for students with disabilities attending charter schools.