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Overview of tree maintenance process and plans for new forestry management system



3 min

Assistant Commissioner Osborne explains the current tree maintenance process and plans for a new forestry management system.

  • Tree maintenance consists of two components: response to public service requests and routine maintenance through the block pruning program.
  • The block pruning program operates on a 7-year cycle, pruning 1/7th of trees in each community board annually.
  • A new forestry management system is being developed to include a systematic methodology for assessing building clearance requests.
  • The new system will allow for easier, transparent communication of priority levels for tree-related requests.
Nantasha M. Williams
remember my other question, which was, if you could share, the the current, schedule for tree maintenance because I know that it was delayed.
So if you could share, like, what the current delay is in, the tree maintenance calendar.
Ben Osborne
I'll I'll I think I will take that most recent question first if that's alright.
So we I I wouldn't say that we currently have a delay in tree maintenance, but maybe I can just kinda give an overview of of our, of how we maintain our trees.
You know, it's basically 2 different components.
1 is in response, to public service requests, which I touched on earlier, and the other is our our routine maintenance, our our block pruning program, which operates on a 7 year cycle.
We do have baseline funding, for this, and it, allows us to prune 1 7th of the trees in each community board in all 5 boroughs, every year.
We did have some delays through COVID, you know, with contract stoppages, and then, you know, it it took some time to get new contracts into place.
But, I I would not characterize that program as delayed at this point.
You know, when it comes to public service requests, you know, understandably, you know, we're managing, you know, over 666,000 trees across the city.
But somebody makes a request about a tree, the, you know, the 666 1,000 trees don't matter to them.
They care about the tree in front of their home.
And, so while we need to prioritize the the most urgent work first, it's understandable, that that may not be satisfactory to every resident, every property owner.
So we hear that and, you know, we we do try to be transparent and, provide good information about the the overall approach so at least people can understand that that we are dealing with a bigger picture.
And we do have very good information on our website about our tree risk management program, the criteria involved, you know, exactly as described in this bill that is on our website now.
The the piece that we do not have clear criteria on, and which would be added through this bill is building clearance, pruning requests.
So we do take requests for building clearance pruning, and we do inspect those.
And our inspectors use their judgment, to determine if, you know, if if a tree is causing harm to the building or or likely to do so in the near future.
But, you know, as as your staff have pointed out, as you pointed out over discussions over the last year, there's not a a codified system for that as of yet.
So, we heard that, that that request loud and clear, and we started developing a system, and it is planned for it's going to be incorporated into the new, database, the new forestry management system that we are working on identifying a contractor to develop.
So we're, you know, pretty far along in that contract procurement process.
And that scope of work is going to be included in the new system.
So with that, we will be able to have a systematic methodology for assessing building clearance requests, identifying a priority, rating for that just like we do for our risk to people and property from trees or branches falling.
And it'll be much easier for us to transparently communicate the level of priority, associated with, you know, what we find in response to any of those requests. pigeon logo

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