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Reminders and notifications about claiming funds
99 sec
Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty outlines the methods used by DOC to inform inmates about claiming their commissary funds before and after release.
- Flyers are posted throughout facilities explaining the fund claiming process.
- Information is available on tablets provided to inmates.
- Counselors can assist inmates in checking their account balances and explain the claiming process.
- Post-release information is available on the DOC website.
- People can check online if they have unclaimed funds and the amount.
Diana I. Ayala
Is there a reminder post release whenever possible to, encourage folks to get their money?
Nell McCarty
Well, I'll answer your question this way.
There are flyers throughout all of the facilities that do identify, that someone can receive up to $200 in cash up to a 120 days post release.
And within those flyers, they also indicate that they can come and pick up a check for remaining funds that are above the $200.
With that, we also put that flyer on the tablet.
We do have staff available throughout the facilities.
So we have, I had mentioned the counselors that go and visit these areas that can help people, 1, release funds prior to discharge.
So they can release funds, to family and loved ones if that was an option, throughout the entirety of their incarceration and prior to leading up to their discharge.
But those counselors can also support them in identifying how much funds are actually in their commissary account.
So to, give them a printout so that they're aware that they have funds in their commissary account, and that it would also further, tell them, verbally about how they can go and receive their funds post discharge.
So those counselors can give them kind of that human interaction or that human support.
But once somebody is post release, so once somebody is discharged and in the community, we have this information up on our website in detail.
There's actually an entire page, dedicated to, in the person in custody services of how they can claim their unclaimed commissary funds.
James Conroy
And, additionally, on that same website, people can go on and check to see if they have and how much unclaimed funds that are there.