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Majority Leader Amanda Farías opens the subcommittee meeting and explains procedures
175 sec
Majority Leader Amanda Farías opens the meeting of the Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sightings, and Dispositions. She explains the hybrid format of the meeting, outlines procedures for public testimony, and introduces the agenda items for the day.
- The meeting includes hearings on The Beacon project (LU 225-228) and a pre-considered land use item in Brooklyn
- Instructions are provided for both remote and in-person testimony
- Rules for maintaining decorum and submitting testimony are explained
Amanda Farías
Good morning.
Welcome to a meeting of the subcommittee on landmarks, public sightings, and dispositions.
I'm majority leader Amanda Farias, and I'm the acting chair of the subcommittee.
I'm joined today by my colleagues, council members, Brannon and Marte.
Before we begin with today's agenda, I will remind everyone that this meeting is being held in a hybrid format.
For members of the public who wish to testify remotely, we ask that you first register online, and you may do so now by visiting backslash land use to sign up.
And then sign on to the Zoom and remain signed in until you have testified.
For anyone with us today in person and wishing to testify, if you have not done so already, please see one of our sergeants to fill out a speaker's card, and we will call your name at the appropriate time.
For anyone wishing to submit written testimony on the items being heard today, we ask that you please send it via email to, including the LU number and or project name in the subject line of your email.
Video and audio testimony will not be accepted.
I remind members of the public that this is a government proceeding and that's a quorum shall be observed at all times.
As such, members of the public shall remain silent unless and until called to testify.
The witness table is reserved for people who wish to testify.
No video recording or photography is allowed from the witness table.
Further, members of the public may not present audio or visual video recordings as testimony, but may submit transcripts of such recordings to the sergeant for inclusion in the hearing record.
On today's agenda, we have hearings on the Beacon, L U 2 2 5 2 2 6 2 2 7 2 2 8, an application pre considered land use item, an application by HPD for a project in council member nurses district in Brooklyn as well as a vote.
I now open a public hearing for land use two two five dash through two two eight four The Beacon, an application submitted by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development or HPD for a u day UDAAP and disposition of real property, a zoning map amendment, and city map change for property located in East Harlem in council member Ayala's district.
Appearing today on this proposal is James Tishkov, senior Manhattan borough planner at HPD, Brian Backschider, senior development project manager at the Community Builders Inc, Grayson Jordan, partner, Paul, at Paul Gastrucci Architects PCA.
Those wishing to testify remotely may register online by visiting the council's website at council.nyz.govbackslashlanduse.