Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
Invocation by Rev. Daniel O'Kingsley, Pastor of Saint Clare Roman Catholic Church
147 sec
Rev. Daniel O'Kingsley delivered an invocation calling upon God to bless and guide the members of the New York City Council. He drew parallels between biblical leaders and the council members, emphasizing their responsibility to serve truth, justice, and the needs of all New Yorkers. The prayer addressed current challenges and asked for divine assistance in conducting the people's business.
Rev. Daniel O'Kingsley
Let us bow our heads.
Almighty and ever living God, father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have summoned men and women of diverse gifts and talents, the varied hues and tongues, beneath the dome of this edifice of public virtue, within this story chamber, to conduct the people's business.
They bring with them from every corner of our vast metropolis the hopes and dreams, the needs and concerns of every New Yorker.
While the task before them is great, even greater is the heavenly grace you wish to bestow upon each and every member of this esteemed city council.
We recall how throughout the scriptures, you blessed the leaders of your people.
To David the king, you gave strength to oppose the giants of oppression.
To Esther the queen, you gave courage to save the innocents.
To Moses the law giver, you gave order to quell chaotic passions.
To Peter the fisherman, the firmness of faith to bind and loosen.
To Mary the virgin, the boldness of spirit to sing your great praises.
Each of these sainted figures knew that the mantle of leadership was never in service to themselves, but rather in service of truth and justice.
We do well to imitate their outstanding example.
Yet, we are painfully aware these days the strife that plagues our world, our nation, and, yes, our city.
Deliver us, oh God, from all that wishes to tear us apart.
Forg renew, oh God, the bonds of charity that link us together.
For this is the only way we build in New York where the hungry are fed, the poor find shelter, the weak are defended, and the voiceless are heard.
And grant us, oh god, for all our days the enduring strength to conduct the people's business, as it is right and pleasing in your sight.
For indeed, we are our brothers, our sisters' keeper, and to this high calling, oh God, you have called this honorable counsel.
We ask this to our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.