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Council Member Rita Joseph introduces and explains two pieces of education legislation
3 min
Council Member Rita Joseph, chair of the education committee, introduces two pieces of legislation to be voted on. The first bill, Intro 432-A, aims to improve distribution of information about after-school programs. The second bill, Intro 1057-A, requires annual reporting on student journalism programs in city high schools and improved information distribution about these programs.
- Intro 432-A requires the DOE and DYCD to develop materials with comprehensive information about after-school programs for middle and high schools.
- Intro 1057-A mandates an annual report on student journalism programs and distribution of information about journalism clubs and publications to all high school students.
- Joseph emphasizes the potential benefits of both bills for students' academic enrichment, skill development, and civic engagement.
Rita C. Joseph
Good morning, and welcome to today's education in the, today's vote in the education committee.
I'm Rita Joseph, committee chair.
In a little bit, we'll be voting on two pieces of important legislation.
The first bill proposed introduction number four three two a sponsored by council member, Parina Ana Sanchez, is a local law to amend administrative code of the City Of New York in relation to distributing information about after school programs.
More specifically, it will require New York City Department of Education, aka DOE, in consultation with DYCD to develop materials that include comprehensive information about after school programs available at each middle and high school.
There are more than 900 programs that service k to 12 across the five boroughs, yet advocates have reported that students and families have faced challenges learning about them.
Making such information more accessible will provide students with valuable opportunities for academic enrichment, skill development, and social engagement outside regular school libraries.
Development, and social engagement outside regular school hours.
It will also potentially improve school attendance and academic achievement.
The second bill is proposed intro one zero five seven a, sponsored by myself.
It is a local law law to amend administrative code of New York City in relations to student journalism programmings at city high schools.
More specifically, this bill would require DOE to submit an annual report detailing students' journalism programmings in all city high schools, including information on the number of journalism courses courses, clubs, and publications at each school and the number of staff supporting journalism courses.
It will also require DOE to distribute information to all high school student at the start of each school year about available journalism clubs, publications, along with information on how to participate.
This information would also be made available on DOE's website.
A 2022 research report by Baruch College found that overall high school with high high high four year graduation rates are more likely to have a student newspaper than schools with the lowest four year graduation rates.
A school newspaper provides students with a express their ideas, creativity, while also helping to develop critical thinking skills.
Student journalism advocates assert that student journalism programs are essential to helping students develop writing skills, build community, hold school leaders accountable, and develop a more racially and a social economically representative pipeline of professional professional journalists.
Participation in a student newspaper not only expand a student's knowledge and ability, also contribute to a future of democratic freedoms, government accountability, and a more new news savvy and better informed society.
Both proposed introduction are a small step that seeks to provide our public students with greater opportunities and force the well rounded, informed New Yorkers.
Thank you to the committee staff, Nadia Jean Francois Clory, Rivera Grace Amato for their work on today's vote, and Joel Desuve and chief of staff, Giovanni Pequon.
Before we move the vote, we will hear remarks from council member Sanchez on the proposed intro number four three two a.
Council member Sanchez.