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Coordinated Assessment and Placement (CAP) survey for veterans



97 sec

Associate Commissioner Russell explains the Coordinated Assessment and Placement (CAP) survey used to determine veterans' eligibility for supportive housing services.

  • The CAP survey is completed to assess veterans' eligibility for supportive housing services
  • DHS sends out mailings to veterans who have left the system, providing information and opportunities to reconnect if needed
  • The discussion touches on the potential for improving tracking and communication with veterans after they leave the system
Sonya Russell
We do, as council member nurse mentioned, our providers do assist our veterans by having them complete the CAP survey, is the coordinated assessment placement.
So once the CAP survey is completed, if a client if a veteran is eligible for supportive housing services, we do complete that on behalf of the client, which enables them to move into supportive housing.
And for the agency's veteran services unit, in which I oversee, we do send out mailings to the veterans that give them an opportunity in which to connect back to us if they need to.
We give them information from DVS.
So we wanna ensure that they remain in their current living situation.
But with respect to tracking them, as you have mentioned, that's something that we can definitely take into consideration with our commissioner.
Robert F. Holden
There should be some kind of chain where we could, you know, even DVS having that information too, because we we do have a communications problem, so, you know, especially with veterans, and we owe it to them to to do the best we can on that.
Sonya Russell
But But understand, per supportive housing is a level of permanent housing.
So, I mean, it's just it's just housing that has wraparound services or support services on-site for those who need it.
Specifically, when someone enters into a supportive housing unit, it's primarily because they need additional services.
So if we find a veteran who would benefit from perhaps mental health or substance abuse, supportive housing is a great avenue for them to exit because they still have that level of coordinated care and case management that will enable them to not return back into the shelter system, rather remain at the supportive housing. pigeon logo

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