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Council Member Inna Vernikov introduces legislation on veteran housing preferences
138 sec
Council Member Inna Vernikov presents Introduction 465, a bill requiring HPD to report on federal veteran preference in Mitchell-Lama developments. She explains the rationale behind the bill, highlighting the importance of veteran housing preferences and the need for better implementation and awareness of these preferences.
- Vernikov emphasizes the significance of veteran housing preferences in combating homelessness and providing affordable housing options.
- She cites a 2012 report showing low utilization of veteran preferences in Mitchell-Lama housing developments.
- The council member calls for better accountability and awareness to ensure veterans can benefit from these housing preferences.
Inna Vernikov
Good afternoon, everyone.
Thank you, chair.
Before I talk about my bill, I'd just like to quickly acknowledge my legislative director, Troy Olson, who is a veteran and served our country in Afghanistan with honor.
So I just wanted to thank him for his service.
Thank you, Troy.
It is great to see Introduction four sixty five before this committee today.
Intra four sixty five would require HPD to submit reports on federal veteran preference in Mitchelwama developments.
The rationale for this bill is simple.
This is a great resource already in place for those who have served our country, and too many are missing out on it.
New York City is home to more than 100,000 veterans, including over 30,000 in the borough of Brooklyn.
Our veterans are as diverse as the city they reside in.
The Veterans Preference and Mitchell Lama waiting list for housing is one of the great tools we have to not only combat veterans homelessness, but also do so in a way that is permanent, affordable, and sustainable, and keeps veterans in our city at a time when cost when the cost of living is far too high.
Yet, all too often, the veteran preference falls by the wayside.
At a recent hearing of this committee, commissioner Hendon said that the top issue facing the city's veterans is not self identifying as a veteran.
For instance, a 2012 report by the office of the state controller reviewed 18 sampled Micheloma housing developments with open waiting lists.
These developments filled 332 vacancies, but only 14 of them which were filled by a veteran.
Those findings also found that veterans were passed over for vacancies at some locations, including two developments in Manhattan, One of which had now closed their list entirely entirely as of early twenty twenty four.
This is very unfortunate.
Both the city and veterans residing in our five boroughs are missing out on this, and we need to do a better job of ensuring this preference is known about and that there's accountability on these lists, ensuring that veterans preference is actually taking place on selections.
I'd like to thank chairman Holden and and the committee for hearing this bill and discussing veterans housing and homelessness today, and I ask that my colleagues sign on to Intra four sixty five.
Thank you very much.
Robert F. Holden
Thank you, council member.