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Importance of individual IUPs for distinct surveillance technologies



124 sec

Council Member Brewer inquires about the importance of producing individual Impact and Use Policies (IUPs) for each distinct surveillance technology. Commissioner Strauber explains the necessity for separate IUPs to ensure proper oversight and evaluation of compliance.

  • Strauber emphasizes that grouping distinct technologies in a single IUP could shield individual technologies from oversight
  • The DOI's recommendation for distinct IUPs has been accepted in principle by the NYPD
  • Separate IUPs allow for better evaluation of how technologies are used and if they comply with their intended purposes
Gale Brewer
What I think you've sort of talked about this, but what's the importance of the police department producing individual IUPs for each distinct surveillance rather than relying on updates to existing IUPs of similar or overlapping technologies?
Now you talked something about the DigiDog, etcetera.
So I just wanna explain for the public more than even us why this is important.
Jocelyn Strauber
Well well well, it's our position that as an oversight body, if we're gonna adequately evaluate compliance with the IUPs, each surveillance technology that has distinct function capabilities, a distinct manner of use needs to be described in a distinct IUP.
Otherwise it's possible that grouping of distinct technologies in a single IUP could shield individual technologies from oversight.
We would not necessarily know if multiple technologies that are in fact different in function are grouped together.
We might not be able to evaluate how those technologies are actually used and if they're being used how they should be used or if the IUPs are adequate to address the capabilities of each technology.
So it's it's our view that the post act to effectuate its purpose really requires that each distinct technology have its own IUP.
Now there may be technologies that overlap sufficiently in in function and in capability that they don't need a distinct IUP, but that's our position.
Gale Brewer
And do you think I mean, you mentioned many recommendations between these three different surveys.
Do you think that this is going to be more distinct in the future as a result of your recommendations?
Jocelyn Strauber
Well, I'll note that although the department initially rejected our recommendation with regard to distinct surveillance technologies having distinct IUPs, that recommendation has subsequently been accepted, at least in principle.
There may be some discussion around the parameters of what distinct functionality actually means, but I think we're getting closer to a consensus on that point.
Gale Brewer
Okay. pigeon logo

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