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MOERJ's intersectional approach and coordination of equity-focused entities



163 sec

Council Member Williams inquires about MOERJ's intersectional approach to equity work across various city offices and commissions. Commissioner Sherman explains how different offices within MOERJ work together to ensure a comprehensive approach to equity issues.

  • MOERJ has appointed executive directors across most offices, who report to the commissioner
  • Teams meet regularly and share resources to ensure a holistic approach to serving New Yorkers
  • The intersectional approach considers factors such as sexual orientation, gender, age, and community in racial equity planning efforts
Nantasha M. Williams
So this is of course not just solely about black New Yorkers but if we as a city are addressing the needs that black New Yorkers have, everyone will benefit from that and so this is an inclusive plan that that really serves the most marginalized in our city.
So we again we want to support you and the work that you're doing and appreciate you being here.
So you have your hands are really full, you have tons of commissions and working groups and task forces and multi agency bodies such as the Commission on Women and Gender Equity, New York City Her Future, New York City Pay Equity Cabinet, just to name a few.
So given that you often take an intersectional approach to your work and these entities cover varying demographics, to what extent do these entities work together to advance your work overall?
Sideya Sherman
Great question, thank you councilmember.
So one of the vision of bringing these offices together within this administration was to really make sure that there was an intersectional approach to equity and so over the past two plus years as we've been leading this work and standing up our office, we also have been working to make sure that those teams have leadership in place.
I'm really excited that we now have executive directors across almost all of our offices and we soon will have one for the Commission on Gender Equity.
And all of the executive directors of those offices report to me.
We all work regularly together on a weekly basis, you know at bi weekly basis everyone's meeting, we share resources across our team, folks weigh in on each other's work right.
So we're ensuring that as we're serving New Yorkers and we're working on our racial equity planning efforts, we're factoring in the whole person right from their sexual orientation and identity to their gender to their age right to the community that they live in and really bringing in the expertise of our colleagues across those areas. pigeon logo

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