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MOERJ's public engagement and community consultation practices



71 sec

Council Member Williams inquires about MOERJ's engagement with the public and consultation with community leaders. Commissioner Sherman explains their various engagement methods, including outreach events, resource fairs, and advisory bodies.

  • MOERJ engages stakeholders through events, resource fairs, and advisory boards
  • The office collaborates with other entities like the Commission on Gender Equity
  • Advisory boards include racial justice leaders and government transformation experts
Nantasha M. Williams
The first question I have is to what extent does MOERJ engage with the public in its work?
For example, do you consult with community leaders and stakeholders on a regular basis to stay up to date with current issues and concerns of the communities impacted by structural inequity and racial injustice?
If so, can you give some examples of any black community based organizations or groups that you consult or work with?
Sideya Sherman
Sure, so thank you for your question councilmember.
Our office is not only MOERJ, but it's home to a number of other offices including the Commission on Gender Equity, the NYC Young Men's Initiative, NYC Her Future, as well as the Unity Project.
So as a collaborative we engage with a number of stakeholders in a variety of ways from outreach events, engagement events, resource fairs, etcetera.
We also convene advisory bodies, so you know as part of our racial equity planning process we've convened an advisory board that includes racial justice leaders as well as folks who've been leaders in government transformation.
Through our Commission on Gender Equity.
We also have a set of commissioners that help advise our work which is at the intersection of race and gender and sexual orientation and identity. pigeon logo

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