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MOERJ's use of social media and outreach efforts



120 sec

Council Member Williams inquires about MOERJ's use of social media to engage with New Yorkers and share their work, particularly with Black New Yorkers. Commissioner Sherman details their outreach strategies and recent initiatives.

  • MOERJ uses social media and their website to share resources and reports
  • The office develops programming for events like Black History Month
  • Recent initiatives include guides on various topics, such as period equity for NYC students
  • MOERJ partners with other agencies like CCHR to expand their reach and participate in resource fairs
Nantasha M. Williams
Thank you.
I know a while ago CCHR had like released a report on like the state of black New Yorkers but I just you know, want to know, there's not a lot of people that know about these reports and things that you all do like you spend a lot of time doing this work and no one knows about it which is why I wanted to have this hearing because I do appreciate the work that you all do and I feel like it just kind of flies under the radar.
So are you using like social media to engage with New Yorkers to share the work that you're doing and if applicable could you speak to any social media work directed to black New Yorkers specifically?
Sideya Sherman
So we do use social media to share our work.
I will say that most of the work that we've produced at least in these first three years have really been focused on you know geographic communities, communities of color at large, LGBTQ plus community, a variety of intersecting identities.
We also have developed programming opportunities for instance during Black History Month to lift up stories of black New Yorkers in particular.
In terms of how we share our resources, we again leverage our website, we leverage social media, and again through the offices that are part of our umbrella, right, we've also issued a number of reports.
Earlier this year we issued through the Commission on Gender Equity a guide to NYC Students to understand their period for instance.
Most recently we through CGE issued a number of one pagers so that New Yorkers can understand economic mobility or health equity or a number of issues.
We are always certainly looking for new avenues to ensure that that information is reaching the public, right.
So this is why we also partner with agencies like CCHR to make sure that we're getting the word out and joining resource fairs, and we'll continue to look for more avenues to make sure that we're reaching New Yorkers.
Nantasha M. Williams
Thank you.
I'll pause I know my colleagues are like busy I don't know if you guys have any questions.
Councilmember Stevens, don't know, since he's a public advocate, I guess he'll go first.
Yeah, okay.
Go ahead.
Jumaane Williams
Thank you. pigeon logo

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