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Discussion of Nuestros Ninos daycare center's history and importance
81 sec
Council Member Krishnan discusses the history and importance of Nuestros Ninos daycare center, highlighting its significance to the community and previous battles to keep it open.
- Nuestros Ninos faced a similar closure threat 6-7 years ago
- Krishnan was personally involved in the previous fight to keep the center open
- The center is described as essential for low-income families in a gentrifying neighborhood
- Krishnan emphasizes the center's 50+ year history of serving the community
Shekar Krishnan
And we agree and I know you agree on the importance of these investments and it is a joint approach.
But how this administration approaches that question I think really matters.
And so one day cares that I wanna focus on in particular is Nuestros Ninos.
Are you aware that Nuestros Ninos faced a similar battle for its closure about maybe six or seven years ago?
Simone Hawkins
I'm aware that there was an open competitive process for the location in which it was awarded to another vendor and because of the pandemic they were not required to vacate the premise.
Shekar Krishnan
So I know about that because I was involved in that fight.
Nuestros Ninos was a client of mine.
A lot of the parents that send their children to that day care center were clients of mine who were doing that so they could go to work to pay their rent.
I worked in that community for thirteen years before becoming a city council member.
And I know intimately that struggle where we faced with Nuestra Dos Ninos, the same exact issue.
They were about to close.
We filed litigation.
The de Blasio administration opened up the site again.
The pre k seats went up.
And why that shocks me is because I know personally how much of a high need community that is where to ensure that so many of the children in a very gentrified neighborhood like Williamsburg, the children can get the services they need, the parents can have childcare.
How essential Nuestros Ninos' site is, especially that one on South Fourth Street.
So my questions were one, is it true that they were notified of the planned closure of the site just a day or twenty four hours before the applications went online earlier this year?