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Introduction and personal background of Deputy Chancellor Simone Hawkins



75 sec

Simone Hawkins, Deputy Chancellor for Early Childhood Education at NYC Public Schools, introduces herself and provides her personal background. She emphasizes her firsthand experience with the early childhood education system from multiple perspectives.

  • Hawkins grew up in East New York, Brooklyn, and credits her early nurturing for her current success
  • She has experience as a student in NYC public schools, a provider overseeing 14 childcare programs, and a parent enrolling her child in an early childhood center
  • These experiences directly relate to her current role as Deputy Chancellor
Simone Hawkins
My name is Simone Hawkins.
I serve as deputy chancellor for the early childhood education division at New York City Public Schools.
I am joined today by my colleague from the school construction authority and others from New York City Public Schools.
Thank you for the opportunity to be here and for your continued partnership in ensuring that all New York City's children have access to high quality early childhood education they need and deserve.
Like previously mentioned, the child's earliest experience experiences are foundational to their lifelong outcomes.
Research has consistently shown that the way a child is nurtured in their earliest years impacts whether they will successfully complete high school or struggle throughout their school years.
I do know this firsthand because the nurturing and love I received in my early years in East New York Brooklyn set me on the path to where I am today.
As a lifelong New Yorker, I've experienced this system from multiple perspectives.
As a student in our city's public schools, as a provider overseeing 14 child care programs, and as a parent enrolling my daughter in an early childhood center.
These experiences are directly tied to why I sit before you today as deputy chancellor. pigeon logo

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