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Addressing 311 complaints and resolution process for Le Dive



154 sec

Council Member Marte inquires about Le Dive's process for addressing 311 complaints, citing specific issues reported by residents. Max Bookman responds on behalf of Le Dive, explaining the challenges with the 311 system and their preferred method of communication.

  • Marte mentions complaints about sidewalk blockage, late-night amplified music, alcohol service past permitted hours, and violations of Community Board 3 stipulations
  • Bookman explains the difficulties in addressing 311 complaints when no summons or violation is issued
  • He emphasizes the importance of direct communication between the business and community members, as suggested by the Community Board
  • Bookman reiterates their willingness to meet with complainants and address concerns directly
Christopher Marte
Two more questions.
You know, residents, and actually the block association, have demonstrated proof of complete blockage of the sidewalk, amplified music coming from business late into the night, alcohol service happening past the permitted hours in the open street, which has a curfew of 10PM, and wait lines into the restaurant, which are a violation of the stipulation from Community Board three.
And a lot of these have been recorded as three eleven complaints.
What process do you have in place to address these three eleven complaints and how, and have you gotten them resolved?
Max Bookman
I'll, happy to address that.
And then if you have anything else you want to add, feel free, but you don't have to.
So, you know, one of the, you know, issues with the three one one system is, you know, if there is no summons or violation that that comes from that, it's very difficult for us as the business owner to be put on notice.
We think the community board is aware of that as well, which is why their stipulation process sort of doesn't really rely on three one one, but instead relies on direct communication between the business and the the individuals in the community who are having a complaint through the posting of phone numbers and other means of access because that is a better system, as you've heard John speak to, than the 311, system.
So, you know, through the system that we've, that the community board has suggested that we use, which is through direct communication, you've heard us say that we've really not had, the types of complaints that we're hearing about.
Again, we're not here to say that people are are are are are don't have issues.
We're just here to say that, you know, we not had a chance to sit down with those people to actually talk it out.
And it is important, again, on the point of due process, which I know is something that you stand for as, you know, as very important.
You know, again, not saying anybody is lying, but, you know, it is important that, if there are violations and community boards say this all the time, that they be brought to appropriate agencies so there could be an adjudication, so we could get the facts out on the record, see if someone if you know, see see what have a chance to confront, and speak with, who's making the accusation, and and it's it's critical here that we don't have any adjudicated violations.
And as I've you've heard me say, we'd love a chance to speak with whoever it is who has been having complaints through 311 or otherwise.
Christopher Marte
No more questions.
Jon Neidich
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