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Discussion on effective outreach methods for older caregivers



61 sec

Council Member Hudson asks about effective outreach methods for reaching older caregivers, especially those with limited digital skills or language barriers. Testifiers provide suggestions and share their experiences.

  • Suggestions include multilingual pamphlets distributed at various locations like older adult centers, HRA offices, and housing courts
  • Lenox Hill Neighborhood House mentions their tech education program for older adults
  • Emphasis on making information accessible in various languages and formats
Crystal Hudson
In your experience, what outreach methods work best to reach older caregivers, especially those who may have limited digital skills or face language barriers?
Mahathi Yera
So some of the resources that might be helpful for them is having pamphlets in different languages, making these documents available in places that they have access to.
So older adult centers, placing them in certain agencies they go to, so having them available at HRA or housing court or other places where they might be able to seek services or may have to go to access services.
That is like initial thought.
Crystal Hudson
Thank you.
Anything to add?
Justine Tetteh
Yeah, our organization has education program where we also do teach tech ed for any older adult who is trying to navigate technology and so in addition to helping older adults navigate technology we also do have pamphlets and information available in various languages. pigeon logo

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