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Federal funding and budget projections for shelter operations



126 sec

Council Member Farías inquires about federal funding sources and budget projections for shelter operations, with agency representatives providing information on current funding structures and potential risks.

  • The Mayor's Office of Food Policy is monitoring federal funding flows closely
  • DSS has not faced any funding loss related to shelters so far
  • Single adult shelters are primarily city-funded with some state funding
  • Family shelters receive federal funding through TANF for eligible individuals
  • No immediate threats to federal funding have been identified, but the situation remains fluid
Amanda Farías
I just want to switch over just quickly on as we're approaching the budget conversation whether that's looking at the federal budget, the state budget, the city budget, do you folks already have a projection or a forecast of the percentage of funding that we receive from federal grants for any of
Kate MacKenzie
our shelters?
I can't speak directly to the shelters.
I my colleagues might be able to, but do know that we are monitoring the federal flows very closely and will reflect that in our in our budgets.
It remains obviously a very fluid situation.
Amanda Farías
Give me a second.
And are there any anticipated freezes on grants federally that we're looking at or anticipating at all and just in conversations as we're approaching the budget literally days from now where we're beginning our preliminary budget hearings, are you folks coming in with any asks to fill any gaps or anticipated gaps?
Jill Berry
So right now DSS has has thankfully not faced any funding loss so far particularly as related to the shelters.
Single adult shelter budget is almost a % city funded with a small amount of funding from the state.
There is no federal funding typically in the single adult system with the exception of a small federal ESG grant which could obviously be at risk in the future.
And then the families with children and the adult family sites are largely claimed based on the public assistance status of the individuals in the shelters.
So those who qualify for and are on public assistance, if they are families with children under the five year time limit then they are eligible for TANF and that has a 50% federal share, 25 state, 25 city, etcetera.
So there is some federal funding in there.
Largely from the TANF block grant with a little bit of ESG funding.
We have not yet seen any of that funding pulled away.
Amanda Farías
So just in terms of also, I wanted to ask around some of the FEMA funds. pigeon logo

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