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Statistics on food-related complaints in shelters



65 sec

Council Member Amanda Farías inquires about statistics on food-related complaints in shelters.

  • In calendar year 2024, there were approximately 1,479 complaints about food and meals
  • Questions raised about the rate of complaints per month or week
  • Discussion on the adequacy of staffing and investigative response to these complaints
  • Jill Berry mentions not having immediate data on response times for each complaint
Amanda Farías
another question.
Right before we jump into members, Sorry, looking over a bunch of different items.
Do we have how many complaints are coming in to you folks?
Like either the rate of complaints a month or the actual number of complaints that come in and then how many get investigated, how quickly?
Like do we know can we talk more about that process because I feel like we're kind of there's an omission of numbers or that we're missing kind of hitting the point of like are we seeing maybe it's just 10 complaints a month or quarterly or are we seeing 10 complaints a week and is there an inadequacy there of having the appropriate staffing or the investigative response?
Can someone on the team talk a little bit about what that looks like?
Jill Berry
Yeah so in calendar year 2024 we had fourteen seventy nine complaints about food and meals.
I can talk a little bit, I don't have any data with me on how long it took to respond to each one of those complaints.
Amanda Farías
Do have standard?
Are we supposed to respond to something in fourteen days, thirty days? pigeon logo

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