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Digitization of the Certificate of Occupancy process
101 sec
Constadino Sirakis explains the digitization of the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) process and how it has improved record-keeping and data analysis capabilities for the Department of Buildings.
- The CO process has been digitized, allowing for better statistics and record-keeping
- Digital COs include expiration dates with digital time stamps
- The department doesn't regularly inspect buildings solely due to expired TCOs
- Other factors, such as facade reports or hazardous conditions, trigger inspections
Constadino (Gus) Sirakis
Thank you for the question.
If I if I understand it, correctly, I think the the idea of the c of o process that we have in place right now has been digitized, is where we're able to get all of these statistics.
In the past, the c of o was a eight and a half by 11 piece of paper.
Even the the digital versions that you see on our website, all of our CFOs, I think, for, with the exception of some that may have, been miss misidentified, from older records, are scanned and uploaded onto the individual building's property profile.
As we have moved into the digital age, as applications are filed for new CFOs, we are, issuing them digitally, both, final COs as well as temporary COs.
And the expiration date is a digital date has a digital date and time stamp in on that record.
So we do have that information.
From the standpoint of how we perform our inspections, are typically there two forms of inspections.
One would be the customer requested inspection that they are ready for completed construction or something related to an enforcement action.
From the enforcement side, we don't regularly just visit a building because of an expired TCO.
That in and of itself doesn't ring as an immediate safety concern.
Things such as, you know, no report filed for a facade, an incident related to car into building.
We'll get referrals from other agencies for hazardous conditions.
Those would be other ways that we would go besides the traditional 311 complaints as to how we would arrive a building.