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FDNY's discretion in fire safety system approval



126 sec

Council Member Ariola inquires about the Fire Department's discretion in approving fire safety systems, and Tom Currao explains the FDNY's role in the approval process.

  • Currao emphasizes that FDNY's discretion is based on their subject matter expertise
  • FDNY reviews various systems including fire alarms, fire protection plans, and auxiliary radio communications
  • The department ensures systems are correctly installed before giving sign-off to applicants
  • FDNY approval is required before an applicant can apply for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO)
  • Ariola expresses concern about potential gaps in fire safety oversight, referencing a recent incident
Joann Ariola
I think I think that we're just leaving a lot to chance because if we're at 1,100,000 buildings now, imagine what will be when the city of Yes becomes a reality.
And are there any discussions of expanding Department of Buildings in any way shape or form with you with the administration saying, you know, we need more of more inspectors.
We need more project manager, we need more people going out, we need more follow-up.
And this kind of two part question, can answer that one.
Then chief if you could just answer like where does the FDNY have discretion on what is needed for the sign off?
And and can you at any point say this is not because that was the whole issue with the with the Turkish, you know, issue where there there wasn't a complete fire protection in place, and I know that this is in court and you may not be able to answer, but I'm just making a point of it to say I wish that that the fire department who are the experts in all of these areas just had a little more discretion and input when these inspections are being done.
So what is your level of discretion?
Tom Currao
So I think our level of discretion is really based on our subject matter expertise.
So whether it's the fire alarm system, the fire protection plan, if there is, say, a range hood system that needs to be addressed in that particular building, auxiliary radio communications, the fire department leverages a lot of expertise and knowledge and technology to make sure that those systems are put in correctly so that and before we give sign off to the applicant on any one of those, before they can even make that move to apply for a TCO, is they have to sort of get through that you know that sort of safety gateway so to speak before they can even apply for a TCO.
Joann Ariola
And any any like word of growth for your department?
Because of the City of Yes?
Constadino (Gus) Sirakis
Yes. pigeon logo

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