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Lack of automatic follow-up for expired TCOs



110 sec

Council Member Ariola expresses concern about the lack of automatic follow-up for expired Temporary Certificates of Occupancy (TCOs), while Constadino Sirakis explains the various mechanisms that encourage TCO renewal.

  • Ariola points out that without complaints or owner action, expired TCOs may go unnoticed
  • Sirakis confirms that this can happen, but notes other factors push owners to renew TCOs
  • External factors like tenant requirements, property sales, and other agency licensing processes often necessitate TCO renewal
  • Sirakis emphasizes that an expired TCO doesn't necessarily indicate an immediate safety issue
Joann Ariola
So if a if a temporary CFO has expired and no one calls 311 to report that or or no one from or or the building owner doesn't up reply for a renewal, then you don't have any mechanism in place to then go out.
It could continue to be open with just a temporary c of o, which has expired.
Constadino (Gus) Sirakis
That that's correct.
That does happen.
I think there are other mechanisms that push the certificate of occupancy into the forefront and push owners to renew their certificate of occupancy.
For instance, if you are looking to rent to tenants, they will ask for a certificate of occupancy, which pushes the the owner of the building to renew sales of the property, lending, other agency licensure process.
So for instance, the Department of Health, if you're looking for childcare, will always be asking for a CFO.
The state liquor authority asks not only for a certificate of occupancy, but also then a letter of no objection from the Department of Buildings that the use is actually permissible in that space.
So it's in the owner's best interest for other reasons beyond just the the buildings department wants it from that standpoint.
And I think it represents beyond the safety of the construction, the CFO itself also represents the other legal rights that come with the property, the other legal authority there.
So by itself, it's not necessarily a safety issue that the TCO has expired.
Kinda gotta look at the whole big picture of that from that standpoint of what are safety concerns that come come with the building in and of itself. pigeon logo

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