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NYCHA's process for monitoring renovation quality in converted developments



98 sec

Council Member Chris Banks questions NYCHA about their monitoring process for developments undergoing rehab, especially in light of resident complaints about poor quality materials. Jonathan Gouveia explains NYCHA's oversight process, including spot checks by the design and construction team.

  • NYCHA has a design and construction team that conducts spot checks on renovations
  • The team ensures renovations are carried out according to pre-conversion agreements
  • NYCHA doesn't generate specific reports on these checks but responds to complaints
  • The process involves real-time corrections when issues are identified
Chris Banks
So, when a development is converted and they're going through the rehab, they've gone through the rehab process, what is done what is NYCHA doing to monitor that?
Especially when you have residents who complain and there's been multiple complaints of the shabby equipment not equipment, the shabby materials that are being used to be put in these apartments.
What is NYCHA doing and how is NYCHA monitoring that when those controversies come up and a tenant is saying that my apartment is falling apart after this three week rehab?
Jonathan Gouveia
So as it relates to the construction oversight, within real estate there's a design and construction team.
And we have folks who go out and their whole purpose is to go out and spot check and make sure that the renovations are happening pursuant to the agreements that we struck prior to the conversion.
And if there are issues, we make sure that the development teams correct those issues.
Chris Banks
Those reports that are done, is that done like through a report?
Jonathan Gouveia
Pardon me?
Chris Banks
Is it done through a report?
Is that something we can see for one particular development where there has been complaints, particularly after rehab has been done?
And is there is there some type of a report created or put out?
Jonathan Gouveia
We don't generate a specific report of that nature, but we do respond to any of the complaints that we might get.
And again, when our teams are out there doing this proactive work, we we will then have the conversations with the development teams to correct in real time.
Chris Banks
So the materials per se, how those materials selected? pigeon logo

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