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Testimony by Ted Burrows, Founder of A Vision for Change, on NYCHA Forced Conversions and Resident Rights



179 sec

Ted Burrows, founder of A Vision for Change, testified about forced conversions in NYCHA developments and the need for more resident rights and options. He highlighted issues of gentrification, aggressive tactics by RAD/PACT, and the lack of information about alternative management options for residents.

  • Described witnessing intimidation tactics used by RAD/PACT representatives against residents
  • Argued that there are four choices for NYCHA developments, including the option to form a resident management corporation
  • Emphasized the need to inform tenants about their rights and the option to self-manage their developments
Ted Burrows
miss Holden.
Hi, counsel.
My name is Ted, Ted Burrows.
I represent a nonprofit organization that I founded called a vision for change.
And my take here is to essentially have been to be a consultant and to help a lot of the tenant presidents who are going through this forced conversion.
But I wanted before I got into the forced conversion, I just wanted to say really quickly, this is so much more than just about a forced conversion or just about the NYCHA problem.
This is a black and brown problem that is being amplified through gradual gentrification.
They are trying to kick out the low income residents of these developments, and they're doing it in a hurry.
And they need to bypass resident presidents, they need to bypass residents' desires in order to make this happen.
They have to have a steamroll model, and that's what they're using.
One of the things I'd like to specifically address is that, for instance, I've been helping out Stuyvesant Gardens, and I witnessed firsthand that, for instance, the president will put up a a a a a advertisement for the tenant association meeting, and then the next day or within hours, there will be advertisements right next to hers from RadPak.
We hear the residents calling her specifically stating that Rad pack is threatening them, telling them that their locks will be drilled and they will be the the the unit will be forcibly entered if they do not comply.
These are all against the law.
What I wanted to really wrap this up though and say is that every last one of these developments still have recourse and they are not actively using that.
Where NYCHA presents that there's three options, the trust, RAD PAC, or section nine, I would actually argue that there are four choices.
The fourth choice is a resident management corporation, which is can be specifically established Thirty seconds to wrap it up.
Thank you, sir.
Which can be a resident management corporation could be specifically established to push back against NYCHA.
Residents can actually come together, form this type of corporation, and request funds from HUD directly and do not need to go through NYCHA, but they do not tell us that this option exists.
I will be helping several developments to convert and to understand their rights under twenty four nine six four point eighteen point four thirty under 42 USC, under the numerous state laws that also protect tenants, and then as well under the New York City laws.
There are several options and and I I think that going forward we need to let the tenants know that they have an option to self manage. pigeon logo

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