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Discussion of Intro 107 on air quality monitoring
3 min
Commissioner Aggarwala discusses Intro 107, which would require the installation of street-level air monitors at major intersections. He expresses concerns about the scale and cost of the proposed monitoring expansion.
- The bill would require approximately 2,200 monitors, a 25x expansion from the current 85 monitors
- Additional monitors for parks and playgrounds could add thousands more
- Estimated cost is $41 million over four years, with 13 full-time employees needed for maintenance
- The commissioner suggests there may be more effective ways to invest $40 million in improving air quality
- Alternative investments could include continuing current work, supporting vehicle electrification, marine facilities, and enhancing enforcement capabilities
Alexa Avilés
Thank you.
So in terms of I think we're going to do a segue a little bit to intro one zero seven, if that's okay.
Chair, are good?
So I guess Intro 107 would require, obviously, install the street level air monitors at no fewer than two major intersections on every designated use thoroughfare.
And I think you noted in your testimony that's every block in New York What kind of infrastructure or personnel would it require?
You said a lot and we believe you, but if you could expand upon
Rohit Aggarwala
that a little So so our best interpretation of of this bill would be that it would require something on the order of 2,200 monitors.
And as I mentioned, we have roughly 85 that we've been using for the last fifteen or or more years on on NICAS.
So that's a 25x expansion of the number of monitors.
And the there's a provision in the bill as well around parks and playgrounds, that could be a couple of thousand more.
So it's a significant increase.
We think there's roughly 13 FTE that we would need to maintain those monitors.
And, you know, and and I think the total cost is something on the order of $41,000,000 over the first four years.
And, you know, and again, I think while I'm always in favor of additional data and, you know, just personally, NICAS was a PlanYC initiative from the first PlanYC, so I take great pride in having contributed to the creation of NICAS.
The reality is that Julie's Bureau has so many other ways that we could invest money and and headcount to improve air quality that I I can't see how this is the the place I would spend $40,000,000 if I had $40,000,000 to to improve New York City's air.
Alexa Avilés
On that note, so how would you spend $40,000,000 to improve air quality?
Rohit Aggarwala
Well, we would we would do the things we're doing.
We would we would continue with all the great work, which I hope you know, we've got a number of things that I described in my testimony that are federally funded, and I hope we don't wind up losing any of those federal funds.
Obviously, this administration has expressed its lack of interest in electric vehicles and vehicle electrification, and we completely disagree with that.
Of course, we're extraordinarily in favor of vehicle electrification.
We've continued to invest in things like the marine facilities that are part of the Blue Highways plan.
And we would invest in our enforcement capability through things like Intro nine forty one that which I think would would make the anti idling laws work much better because I I don't think they're having the kind of impact that the law intended.
And I think that intro would actually get us where where we ought to be in terms of actually reducing idling in a consistent way.
And, you know, I really think that our DEC, our DEP air and noise inspectors perform a really valuable service and I would invest in them.