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Discussion of Intro 1200-2025 on public information campaign for TGNCNB rights and resources



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Council Member Farah Louis inquires about potential obstacles to implementing a public information and outreach campaign for legal rights and resources for transgender and gender non-conforming New Yorkers, as proposed in Intro 1200-2025. Ronald Porcelli expresses support for the bill's intent and emphasizes the importance of making resources accessible to the community.

  • Porcelli confirms general support for the bill's intent
  • Highlights that all information proposed in the bill is already available on the Unity Project website
  • Stresses the importance of people accessing these resources before emergency situations arise
Farah Louis
And it is a robust document, so I thank I thank you for sharing it with us.
With so many young people in chambers today, some have come in, some are still here, and with so much uncertainty with the administration, I just have some quick questions regarding some of the bills that we heard today relating to introductions 1,200 dash 2025.
Are there any obstacles to implementing a public information and outreach campaign for legal rights and resources for transgender and gender non conforming New Yorkers?
Ronald Porcelli
So with regards to that bill, again I would say we generally support the intent of that bill.
Unity Project was not I believe a named agency.
I believe I don't know if there was a named agency for that bill.
I would also say that I believe that the broad intent of this is absolutely essential.
I am very much in line with this bill.
We can continue to flesh it out, but every single thing that is in the bill is also on the Unity Project website and I believe and I've continued to stress throughout this entire Q and A and in the testimony getting people access to these resources is absolutely essential.
Availing themselves of it, there's a lot to navigate and so having that sort of understanding and doing it before you're in an emergency situation is absolutely essential.
We don't create these resources you know just for ourselves.
We don't exist in some white ivory tower.
We are working with the community and we want people to avail themselves of these resources. pigeon logo

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