Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
Healthcare access and initiatives for TGNCNB community
7 min
The testimony highlights various initiatives and efforts to improve healthcare access and quality for the TGNCNB community in New York City. These include the LGBTQ+ Healthcare Bill of Rights, culturally competent training for healthcare providers, and expansion of affirming healthcare services.
- The Health Department developed the LGBTQ+ Healthcare Bill of Rights to outline local and state protections and empower community members in advocating for their health.
- The city is expanding inclusive primary care, gender-affirming services, and sexual health programs through strategic investments.
- Cultural competency training is being provided to healthcare staff, including a partnership with Transgender Equity and Consulting Incorporated for sexual health clinic staff.
Ronald Porcelli
This bill of rights available in multiple languages serves as a tool for awareness and action reinforcing that healthcare providers and staff are legally obligated to treat LGBTQ plus individuals with dignity and equity.
Similarly, the non discrimination policy of the New York City public schools ensures that all students can learn in a safe and supportive environment free from harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination based on actual or perceived classes including gender, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
New York City Public Schools is committed to upholding inclusivity and protecting all students ensuring that school environments are welcoming to all.
To further support TGNCMB students, the New York City Public School guidelines on gender inclusion provide a clear framework of best practices and protocols for school based and central office staff.
These guidelines help foster understanding, inclusivity, and respect for TGNCMB students while ensuring they receive the same rights and protections as all students.
As part of this commitment, New York City Public Schools mandated that every NYC school must have single occupancy restrooms available to provide privacy and comfort for students of all gender identities.
In the child welfare and juvenile justice sectors, the administration for children's services, ACS, upholds its non discrimination policy to protect LGBTQ plus youth and families.
Its core policy, promoting a safe and respectful environment for LGBTQAI plus youth and their families mandates inclusive discrimination free environments in child welfare and juvenile detention systems.
Additionally, ACS provides trans health related policy and guidance to facilitate affirming healthcare including coverage for services not reimbursable by Medicaid.
Similarly, the Department of Homeless Services, DHS policy on serving transgender, non binary, and intersex clients aims to close service gaps for clients of all gender identities experiencing homelessness, with a focus on respectfully accommodating clients who identify as transgender, non binary, and intersex.
DHS is committed to a policy of respect for all individuals and does not tolerate discrimination based on gender identity or expression.
Many members of the LGBTQ plus community continue to face disproportionate rates of HIV and other STIs, making access to affirming and culturally responsive sexual health care essential.
The health department launched the New York City Twenty Twenty ending the HIV epidemic plan, a community driven roadmap developed through a year long planning process.
This plan guides innovative equity focused HIV and sexual health initiatives that address social and structural factors driving disparities.
Through community engagement and education, we foster understanding and interconnection between the government and the public while equipping individuals with the knowledge and resources to build a more supportive society.
The city's inaugural TGNCMB Health Summit held in May 2024 and organized by the health department and the Unity Project represent a groundbreaking initiative designed to foster collaboration, education and community engagement to promote TGNCMB health.
The summit serves as a dynamic forum that brings together TGNCMB individuals, community based organizations, healthcare professionals, policymakers and advocates to engage in meaningful dialogue and collective action.
The summit spotlights critical issues in transgender and non binary health including barriers to care, culturally competent medical practices, and innovative approaches to improving health outcomes.
It provides a platform for sharing best practices, advancing community driven healthcare, and addressing systemic challenges.
The transgender, gender non conforming, and non binary community advisory board, TCAB, operated through the health department and supported by the Unity Project serves as a vital bridge between TGNC and B New Yorkers and the health department, ensuring that policies, programs, and services are shaped by those most impacted.
Created to bridge community with local government and to address the persistent barriers TGNCMB individuals face, TCAP provides critical guidance on programming, educational materials, marketing campaigns, and clinical services.
By fostering direct community engagement, TCAB helps drive meaningful, informed change, making healthcare more inclusive and accessible.
To further improve healthcare provision, health department and Unity Project have partnered with Transgender Equity and Consulting Incorporated developed by LGBTQ plus cultural competency training for health department sexual health clinic staff.
The three hour training covers language, key health considerations, and best practices for providing affirming care.
The Hidden Voices Project created by the New York City Public Schools Department of Social Studies and Civics allows students to find their voices in history including LGBTQ plus historical figures as they become analysts of the past while making connections to the present.
The Department of Records and Information Services operates the For the Record blog, which includes blog posts with primary sources that give an in-depth look at the city's LGBTQ plus history.
Additionally, through the Doris YouTube channel, Doris documents historic footage in the fight for LGBTQ plus rights.
Annually, ACS conducts its youth experience survey for youth in foster care ages 13 and up.
The survey includes questions on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression aiming to provide services and improve those services for youth.
In addition, ACS runs the youth leadership council that places a strong emphasis on the voices of LGBTQ plus youth to empower youth in the foster care system and improve existing services.
Cultural competency is further supported through the family engagement and acceptance training, FIT, and LIFT programs under ACS and the Unity Project.
FIT provides extensive training for LGBTQ plus mental health clinicians of color to address family rejection of transgender youth.
Meanwhile, the LIFT program is a six month certification designed to equip social workers with the skills needed to support youth and their families.
The Department of Youth and Community Development, GYCD Street Outreach Program is vital first point of contact for youth experiencing homelessness, many of them members of the LGBTQ plus community providing direct education, service navigation, and referrals to essential services.
CCHR is deeply committed to community engagement and education.
CCHR's lead advisors and liaisons play a vital role in educating New Yorkers about their rights and responsibilities.
The commission also provides extensive training including human rights law 101 and working with transgender and gender non conforming communities.
Delivery of culturally competent services to TGNC individuals is at the core of our work in addressing disparities facing the community.
Ensuring access to high quality affirming healthcare is essential the well-being of the LGBTQ plus community including TGNCMB people.
Through strategic investments we are expanding inclusive primary care, gender affirming services, sexual health programs and HIV prevention efforts.
The health department launched PlayShare Network two point one, a citywide network of 18 agencies that provide a comprehensive package of HIV and sexual health services in healthcare and non healthcare settings using a one stop shot model.
So the Building Equity Intervening Together for Health, Be Into Health initiative, the health department supports nine clinics to implement evidence based HIV care models that address the needs of communities most impacted by HIV.
The health department sexual health clinics provide low to no cost services for SDIs including HIV.
The health department is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring the sexual health clinics offer safe affirming spaces.