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Overview of eight pieces of legislation addressing TGNCNB issues
161 sec
Council Member Farah Louis provides a detailed overview of eight pieces of legislation being heard at the committee meeting. These bills and resolutions address various aspects of support and protection for transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex (TGNCNBI) individuals in New York City.
- Legislation covers topics such as support for newly arrived migrants, health agendas, public outreach, access to gender-affirming care, and protection of health information
- The bills and resolutions are sponsored by various council members, including Chiyose, Osei, Caban, Bahanif, Bacher, Hudson, and Schulman
- The legislation aims to improve services, rights, and protections for TGNCNBI New Yorkers
Farah Louis
Additionally, we will be hearing eight pieces of legislation today.
Introduction twelve zero three dash twenty twenty five sponsored by council member Chiyose requiring the chair of the commission on gender equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24 years old and younger and transgender, gender non conforming, non binary and intersex newly arrived migrants.
Introduction number twelve oh four dash twenty twenty five also sponsored by council member Osei requiring the commission of health and mental hygiene to develop a health agenda to promote the health and well-being of transgender, gender non conforming, non binary and intersex New Yorkers.
Introduction number 1,200 dash twenty twenty five sponsored by council member Caban in relation to a public information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and resources available to TGNCNBI individuals.
Introduction number twelve zero one dash twenty twenty five sponsored by Councilman Bahanif in relation to access to gender gender affirming care facilities and a case sorry and a cause of action related to interference with gender affirming care.
Resolution number zero seven seven one dash 20 20 five sponsored by council member Bacher in relation to extending protection over personal health information.
Resolution zero seven seven four dash twenty twenty five sponsored by council member Hudson in relation to the department of health implementing regulations requiring hospitals in New York City to adhere to the world professional association for Transgender Health Standards of Care.
Resolution number 0781Dash2025 sponsored by council member Schulman in relation to the prohibition of out of state access to the New York state prescription monitoring program data for certain medications including abortion medications, hormone therapy and puberty blockers.
And finally, pre considered resolution T two two zero two five dash three two four, that was a tongue tire.
Also sponsored by council member Schulman in relation to providing additional protections for sensitive health information for patients and requiring all health information networks and providers to provide patients with a right to restriction of the disclosures of such patient health information.