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Commitment to protecting immigrant communities amid federal threats
63 sec
Speaker Adams inquires about the city's commitment to allocating more funds to protect immigrant families from federal overreach. Director Jiha responds that OMB continues to evaluate programs and will work with Council staff as they approach budget adoption.
- The federal government's actions have created a climate of fear and uncertainty among immigrant communities
- OMB cannot make guarantees at this time due to various challenges and uncertainties
- The administration aims to protect these communities as best they can within the current constraints
Adrienne Adams
That's very very important to us.
In looking at immigration funding, over the years New York City has demonstrated its commitment to protecting immigrant communities through its sanctuary policies, direct allocations, and advocacy for state and federal resources.
The federal government's overreach has created a climate of fear and uncertainty among an immigrant communities resulting in a decrease in accessibility to essential services and support for some of New York City's most vulnerable populations.
Will the city commit more funds to protect our immigrant families from federal overreach?
Jacques Jiha
Madam again, as said, madam speaker, we continue to evaluate every single one of the of these programs and we will work with your staff as we get closer to adoption to see what can be done.
As I said, we cannot make any guarantee any promise at this moment in time because there's so many things coming at us.
We don't know what's going to stick, what's not going to stick, and what's going be the impact.
But again, as I said, we'll continue to work to do our best to make sure that that these communities are protected as best as we can.