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Council member raises concerns about Fire Department budget and staffing



50 sec

Council Member Joann Ariola expresses concerns about the Fire Department's budget being flatlined for the past three years. She highlights staffing issues, particularly the need for a fifth firefighter in more firehouses.

  • References a Daily News opinion piece about lack of staffing
  • Mentions a previous agreement to add fifth firefighters to 10 firehouses
  • Emphasizes ongoing staffing challenges
Joann Ariola
Thank you, chair.
As chair of fire and emergency management, of course, I wanna talk about the fire department.
For the last three years that I've been the chair, the the budget has been flatlined.
Today in the daily news, the chair of this committee, Justin Brannon, and the union president, Andy Ansborough, wrote an excellent yet troubling opinion piece regarding a lack of staffing for our fire houses, of firefighters and the need for the fifth firefighter.
About a year ago, we had a conversation with the administration because when I came on, I joined my colleagues in the fight for that fifth firefighter.
We the administration was willing to put fifth firefighter in 10 other firehouses, especially in the winter months.
And staffing was an issue as to why it couldn't be done. pigeon logo

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