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Testimony by Sarita Daftary-Steel, Co-Director of Freedom Agenda



144 sec

Sarita Daftary-Steel, Co-Director of Freedom Agenda, testified on the need to reallocate funds from Rikers Island to community-based programs and services. She urged the city council to prioritize spending on mental health, housing, and alternatives to incarceration instead of hiring more correction officers.

  • Advocated for allocating $39.8 million to meet critical mental health and housing needs
  • Highlighted the high cost of incarceration at Rikers ($507,000 per person per year) compared to supportive housing and mental health services
  • Called for $3 million to start the renewable Rikers transition with a master plan led by DEC
Sarita Daftary-Steel
Good afternoon, chair Brannan, deputy speaker, council member Hudson.
My name is Sarita Dafty.
I'm co director of Freedom Agenda.
We lead the campaign to close Rikers, and our members are survivors of Rikers and their family members.
We're calling on the city council to ensure that the adopted budget paves the way to strengthening our communities and closing Rikers Island.
Instead of allocating a hundred and $50,000,000 to hire 1,100 more correction officers, is the city's current plan, the city should allocate an additional 39,800,000.0 to meet critical mental health and housing needs, restore 1,800,000.0 in planned cuts to the Office of Criminal Justice for ATI's and reentry, restore proposed cuts to the Board of Correction for jail oversight, and increase their headcount.
As we set budget priorities for our city, Rikers Island stands out as the worst possible use of our dollars.
Recently, the Nunes Federal Monitor pointed out what our members know far too well, that the, quote, enormous resources that the city devotes to a system that is at the same time over staffed and underserved are not being deployed effectively.
Incarcerating one person at Rikers Island for a year costs over $507,000 equivalent to providing supportive housing for 10 people or engaging 10 people in quality mental health services like intensive mobile treatment.
A recent survey of crime survivors in New York City showed that three of four prefer alternatives to incarceration and mental health treatment instead of jail.
The plan to close Rikers approved by this council in 02/2009 marked a commitment to take a more effective approach to public safety, and that requires spending our money differently.
But mayor Adams has refused to align our city budget with the legal and moral obligation to close Rikers.
The mayor has been willing to let hundreds of people sit on waiting lists for evidence based programs like community based mental health treatment teams and justice involved supportive housing.
Compare this to the city's approach to jail capacity.
DOC recently added beds to already crowded dorms at Rikers out of concern they would exceed capacity.
What if the city treated preventative investments with the same urgency?
What if they took emergency action to ensure that anyone who needs supportive housing unit or a placement on a mental health treatment team could get one without delay?
Instead of helping our communities thrive, mayor Adams is set on budgeting for their desperation.
I'll be finishing up in a minute.
To prevent more waste and harm, the council must intervene.
We'll submit along with this testimony our full budget analysis priorities that outlines changes needed to the fiscal year twenty six budget to close the revolving door of Rikers Island.
We're also calling on the council to allocate $3,000,000 to start the renewable Rikers transition with a master plan led by DEC.
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