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Testimony by Joel Sanchez, Day Laborer and Construction Worker, from Workers Justice Project (WJP)
144 sec
Joel Sanchez, a Mexican immigrant and construction worker, testifies about the challenges faced by migrant workers in New York City, including labor exploitation, wage theft, and fear of deportation. He emphasizes the importance of community organizations like Workers' Justice Project in educating workers about their rights and advocating for fair treatment.
- Describes personal experiences of labor exploitation, including unpaid overtime and fear of job loss for speaking up
- Calls for strengthening mechanisms to report labor abuses, especially for those with language barriers
- Urges the committee to facilitate complaints against employers who threaten or retaliate against workers due to their immigration status
- Emphasizes the contribution of immigrant workers to building New York City and their need for protection and respect in the budget
Eduardo Garcia
So for the English version of Joel Sanchez's testimony.
Good morning to all members of the immigration committee and those present.
My name is Joel Sanchez.
I am Mexican and have been living in The United States for more than twelve years.
I'm a day laborer, construction worker, and carpenter by trade.
In this recent period, under the current administration, migrant workers have been facing increasingly more challenges in our daily lives, beginning with the scarcity of work and constant threats of deportation that keep us in the permanent state of anxiety.
We are becoming more vulnerable in our workplaces each day, exposed to the unsafe conditions, wage theft, labor exploitation, harassment, and physical and psychological pressures generated by the constant fear of not being able to cover our basic needs such as food and rent.
When I arrived in New York, I began working as a construction helper, and we were forced to work ten to twelve hours per day.
But we're only paid as a normal day without recognition of overtime hours.
When a worker dared to claim their overtime pay, the employer simply responded, there's no more work, and fired them.
I, as a newcomer and in need of money, kept silent for fear of losing my job.
Eight years ago, I joined the Workers' Justice Project, and thanks to this organization, I learned that I have the right to demand fair payment of my wages, including overtime, and that I can report employers who do not respect labor laws.
Currently, I have a case filed with the Department of Labor because I recognize my rights and hope to be recognized for all the days that I work.
This is just one example of what one learns thanks to community organizations.
It is essential that our right to organize be maintained and strengthened, and that organizations continue to exist that advocate for our rights and offering training so that each worker can defend themselves.
This is essential to promote dignity at work while we build a fair and sustainable economy in our communities.
I ask you to consider strengthening mechanisms for reporting labor abuses, making them more accessible to people with language barriers.
We hope that this committee will continue to facilitate complaints against, employers who use threats, intimidation, manipulation, and retaliation against workers due to their immigration status.
After so many years building this city, many of us do not have the possibility of a dignified retirement.
New York City has been built with our hands.
We deserve protection and respect in the budget.
Thank you for your attention.