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Testimony by Paulina Cohen, Staff Attorney at New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
144 sec
Paulina Cohen, a staff attorney at the New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP), testified about the critical support AVP provides to LGBTQ and HIV-affected immigrant communities. She emphasized the increased demand for AVP's services due to the hostile political climate and the importance of continued city council support.
- Cohen shared a case study of "Luke," an immigrant survivor of sexual assault who received comprehensive legal and counseling support from AVP.
- AVP's colocation model ensures survivors receive trauma-informed support for both legal and social services needs.
- The testimony highlighted the contrast between federal policies undermining LGBTQ immigrant safety and New York City's role as a beacon of support, largely due to community-based work like AVP's.
Paulina Cohen
afternoon Chair Aviles and the Committee on Immigration.
I'm Paulina Cohen, staff attorney at the New York City Anti Violence Project or AVP.
AVP has been at the forefront of New York City's fight against hate and oppression, offering critical support to the LGBTQ and HIV affected communities particularly in this area of immigration.
We appreciate the committee's continued support of our work with survivors of violence.
The rise in hateful federal policies and rhetoric has made it even harder for LGBTQ and immigrant communities to access justice and safety.
The demand for AVP services has therefore only intensified as this political climate grows increasingly hostile.
With the continued support of city council, AVP will be able to continue to provide direct services, outreach, and advocacy that are all essential in this sustained moment of crisis.
We have a lot of clients but I'm gonna tell you specifically about one who I'll call Luke.
Back in November, Luke called AVP's twenty four hour hotline to report that he had been sexually assaulted by his boyfriend who he lived with.
Our team explored with him possible legal pathways such as reporting to the police or applying for a U Visa.
We also determined that Luke had a very viable case for asylum.
Just a few weeks ago I represented Luke at his asylum interview where he bravely testified to the severe violence he experienced in his home country and he spoke to the healthy and happy life he's building here in New York City in part thanks to the support that he receives from AVP.
Adding to the stability and success in his life, Luke receives vital counseling services from my colleagues in our client service department.
AVP's colocation model ensures that survivors receive comprehensive and trauma informed support.
There is an overwhelming demand for social and legal services from the LGBTQ and immigrant communities that has quite simply outpaced the city's available resources.
AVP however has stepped in to fill that gap.
We are committed to our advocacy and support of communities that are targets of the federal government and this committee's continued support will help AVP increase access to justice, improve the safety and well-being of survivors of violence, and ultimately help individuals just like Luke heal and rebuild their lives.
In contrast to federal policies that have undermined the safety and dignity of LGBTQ immigrant and survivor communities, New York City remains a beacon of support and safety in large part thanks to community based work.
To protect some of our most vulnerable community members, it is therefore critical that the city council continue to invest in EVP.
Thank you for the opportunity to test testify today.