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Councilmember Stevens addresses programming priorities and barriers for youth



94 sec

Councilmember Althea Stevens raises concerns about programming priorities and barriers for youth in different court systems. She highlights issues with program access depending on whether young people are in family court or supreme court, and asks about plans to address these barriers in developing new programs.

  • Stevens emphasizes the need to consider both age-related and court-related barriers to program access
  • She mentions discussions with providers about these issues
  • Stevens requests information on DOP's plans to address these barriers in future program development
Althea Stevens
Well hello.
Good morning.
Good think it's still morning, right?
Thank you, Umbra.
I know we've been talking a lot more and offline but so I just have a couple of questions that I just wanna follow-up.
And I know I came in and you were talking about programming and how it's definitely a priority, but I definitely have a couple of additional questions regarding the program.
I know we even mentioned AIM Lite, which I don't think we were saying was a contract, it was a part of a bigger contract too and I know was like some confusions but we've met several times about it.
But I do wanna talk about some of the issues that I've been talking to providers about just around the barriers and and these are some things that I think we should think about.
I know some of the RFPs are gonna be coming out soon and figuring this out and why we're thinking about this is you know the pathways for young people to have access to the programs and so my first question is just around as you're thinking about going to develop some of these new programs, one of the biggest issues is that young people if they're in family court they have access to some programs, if they're in supreme court it's other programs and so as you are moving forward are we thinking about creating programs that would take that barrier away because what we're hearing is that is probably one of the biggest barriers that young people who are going to family court have access to certain programs and then they'll, if they go to supreme they lose that program.
And so just thinking about as we're developing programs, what is your thinking around that and is that a problem that you think that you could be thinking about when we're creating these programs? pigeon logo

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