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Overview of the Department of Correction's fiscal year 2026 preliminary budget



104 sec

Commissioner Maginley-Liddie provides a detailed overview of the Department of Correction's fiscal year 2026 preliminary budget, highlighting key allocations and increases from the previous year. The budget reflects the department's priorities in addressing various needs and challenges.

  • The total budget for fiscal year 2026 is $1.2 billion, with 84% allocated for personal services and 16% for other than personal services
  • The budget increased by $55 million compared to the fiscal year 2025 budget
  • Specific increases include funding for uniforms for incarcerated individuals, food for incarcerated individuals, cell door replacement, and recruitment and advertising efforts
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
Now I will briefly turn to the fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget.
As of the fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget, the department's budget is 1,200,000,000.0.
The vast majority of this, 84%, is allocated for personal services and 16% for other than personal services.
The fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget increased by 55,000,000 compared to fiscal year twenty five budget of 1,160,000,000.00.
Some of the increases to the preliminary budget include funding for uniform for persons in custody with 1,800,000.0 baseline starting in fiscal year twenty twenty five.
Individuals currently in custody continue to be issued uniforms and undergarments throughout their stay, and some may need replacing due to normal wear and tear.
We are also considering the increase in population as well as the increase in new admissions.
And food for persons in custody with 4,300,000.0 baseline starting in fiscal year twenty twenty six.
The additional funding supports increases food need for the department resulting from an increase in population as well as an increase in food prices.
And the cell door replacement with 2,400,000.0 baseline starting in fiscal year twenty twenty five, and recruitment and advertising with 4,200,000.0 allocated in fiscal year twenty twenty five and 5,000,000 baseline in fiscal year twenty twenty six. pigeon logo

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